Comments (7 Comments)
- transmutations - 02/15/2009
- i love that cooky jack sparrow is
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- knnytte1 - 01/28/2009
- nice work facial features can use a lil more attention
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- LOVELESSxL - 01/28/2009
wow tats kewls
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- flamedramonfreak - 10/29/2008
- Doesn't look crazy enough, but human proportions!
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- Sutefupuni - 10/28/2008
- That's really good. It actually looks like Johnny Depp.
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- 0Doidle0 - 10/28/2008
your facial proportions are well done, and so is his hat.
however I would suggest you watch where you smudge, some of it doesn't quite look like it should go there. Especially on the right cheek - Report As Spam
- Nephilym - 10/28/2008
I've got a jar of dirt!
Nice proportions but I would recomend not smudging. Try blending and gradiating the shadows through the pressure you use and layering. You NEVER see professionals smudging. - Report As Spam