• Nature In Decoration

    I sit in my room,
    And hear many sweet tunes.
    Be it the fluttering wings from a butterfly,
    Or the soft little sighs from the baby near by.

    The dried paint on the wall,
    Leaves falling in fall.
    A smile spread across my face.
    And I relax, not in haste.

    There is nature outside my window.
    Beautiful it is so.
    There is nature on my walls,
    I think as birds chirp out happy calls.

    My head at ease reclining,
    I listen as my mothers voice sings out
    when the baby starts crying.
    Silence soon envelops me deep.
    And I find myself slowly lulled into a soft sleep.

    And I dream of the leaves falling.
    Of the rain dripping.
    Of the Snow drifting.
    Of the Sun shining.

    And I smile in my sleep,
    From my dreams keep
    There is nature everywhere out in the open
    Given to us as a beautiful token.

    There is nature on my walls,
    I muse in a childish wonder.
    As I drift pass Mars,
    And am taken pass the brightest stars.