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  • Arenas
  • Casshern
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Casshern
  • Artist: jorun 1981
  • Description: Tetsuya Azuma,also known as Casshern, is a cybernetic neoroider.Tetsuya turned himself into a cyborg for the purpose of hunting down and destroying robots that have taken over the world.His late biological father,Dr. Azuma,was the inventor of the robots that were originally intended to serve humankind.However the robots mutinied en masse when their cold logic concluded that the good of the Earth Ecosystem required the destruction of the human race.
  • Date: 05/03/2009
  • Tags: casshern
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Alan Kenzo - 05/17/2009
  • Cool that you did Casshern, I was wondering when someone would do it since the FG evo item's mask seems based on the Movie one. Though I have to point out that your description is wrong in context to the ref pic. since you used the movie adaptation, you should have used the movie plot and not the one of the anime. Since both plots are different. and in the movie The Dr. turned Tetsuya into Casshern because Tetsuya died in a war.
  • Kailer_Raimonji - 05/09/2009
  • Awesome! I think the Diamond Galaxy Suit would've added a bit of color, but this works well too. It still great though!

    And you get extra credit for choosing the version from the Live Action Movie. 5/5+
  • ErikGilpher - 05/08/2009
  • Nice use of the Fremieres Guard. It's kind of plain, but very good. Looks just like the reference. 5/5, please vote the same for mine on Monday
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