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  • Arenas
  • Megaman Zero
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Megaman Zero
  • Artist: Reploid Megaman Zero
  • Description: Here's my version of Zero. Sorry about the geisha face though, I had to use it because I'm using blue pearl skin for the navy jumpsuit and his face can't still be blue of course.... ^^'
  • Date: 10/30/2009
  • Tags: megaman zero mega maverick reploid
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Miss Blissy - 11/07/2009
  • Very close, but I would just reccomend using different hair. Also, to get rid of the face problem, would it work to use the clown face makeup? that makes the face white smile
  • Vongola the Tenth - 11/06/2009
  • Like Ikkou said, it could be better, but I still think it's pretty accurate compared to most other zero cosplays I've seen. If only you didn't have to use that face just so you could use that skin, because the skin fits perfectly.
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