Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • Silver Marionette
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
Comments (7 Comments)
  • Forever_Rose09 - 12/29/2012
  • Wow... that looks great! I love how you incorporated the hairbow with that skirt. They're hardly used now. The mask and corset really pulls it off! 5/5
  • Makoto_Gin - 12/26/2012
  • Here's a little description, hopefully the next time I post this it will be without any trouble or hiccups.
    This is an outfit that I've done a few times for Christmas as a tribute to my elder sister and now my sister-in-law. I hope to take the concept and turn it into a children's book one day for my nieces and others to enjoy.Here's a link to a poem I did for it, I hope you all have enjoy the poem and the outift: http://bit.ly/TkDQpS
  • Malicesu - 12/25/2012
  • Very lovely! The colours balance out perfectly but the eyes kinda kill the cuteness of the outfit. 3/5
  • sukinamae - 12/25/2012
  • Oh my gosh this is so adorable ^_^

    please vote back http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/original-avatar/vote/?entry_id=102736315#title
  • noien - 12/24/2012
  • i like it, there's not too many items and there's not too little. things are placed evenly and it's not crowded. i especially like the eye. very well done. 5/5
  • OnlyElysium - 12/24/2012
  • This looks amazing. You did a really good job putting this together. smile 5/5 Please rate back if you can. Thanks.
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