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Artist Info:
As a take steps forward and look back at my older work I can see my growth as a artist in both 2-D and digital more and more. From just a little good swooning over anime and manga to an grown man in college for both game art and design. I can see the flaws in all my past and current works still, but I can see now more then anything is my growth in my trade. I still have a long way to go, but with instructors like criag brasco and donivan howard helping me improve; my goals can be reached soon I hope.<br />
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To those who doubted me, wished for my failure, because they hated me, and my work. Suck a dick and swallow it whole, even you haters all will play your roll. - Avg. rating:
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Comments (70 Comments)
- Moondoggy09 - 04/17/2009
- Cool I cant wait to see your total failure keep me updated on that because everybody thought you were a completely untalanted 11 year old
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- Vengeful Dreamer - 04/17/2009
- Indeed, age and the internet are strange together. It's really pathetic that you're 18. I would've pegged you for an eleven-year-old, and though I'm sure you think I'm exaggerating to enhance my side of the argument, I'm telling the truth. I can see you're out of steam, and probably tired of racking your brain to come up with words to type to me. Wouldn't want you to die from overexerting yourself.
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- emeraldocean_von_siraine - 04/17/2009
- I'm trying (trying) to see your point & I won't press any further but please just tone down the nudity, I've met 12 year olds & It'll be bad if one of them sees your drawings like that. And suggestive poses aren't appealing to everyone, specially those who try to keep their drawings clean & decent.
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- meatwad4900 - 04/17/2009
- Wow that was a load of pure messed up comments. (Blu Fox from MT) Well I can see you're going for a more sexual approach from what I can see. Your poses have the right attitude in that case. However the anatomy could use work. Tryout posemaniacs 30 second drawing exercises, that stuff srsly helps ya out with anatomy. 5-10 minutes a day.
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- Moondoggy09 - 04/16/2009
- You really think you have a future in art even I doubt I could hack a career in art just yet and im only 17 ive got plenty of time to improve you just plain suck im not a hater but I know the difference between art and some sketchings from a horny 13 year old
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- Moondoggy09 - 04/16/2009
- Man you really need to tone down the sexuality in your art I mean I like artistic nudity but your complete lack of talent and the fact that all the pics are of girls in sexual positions just makes it smut
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