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Hello... You've reached Atomic's profile. Prepare for randomness* <br />
<br />
Disclaimer<br />
*By reading this part of the profile, You have automatically signed the contract stating that I am not responsible for any bodily injury, Brain damage, or rape scars XD Enjoy your stay at Hotel Fah du flah du fa duflahduflah.<br />
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About<br />
My latest addiction is Glee, and by addiction, i mean NEW LIFESTYLE. Seriously. I can't go 5 minutes without thinking about Glee. When someone asks me what i did over the weekend, i say: "Well, it started off glee by glee o'clock and glee really glee. And OH MY GLEE DID YOU GLEE THAT GLEE WHEN IT GLEE'D TO THE GLEEGLEEGLEE?! I open my mouth and a little glee falls out!" I think i'm losing my friends. I relate everything to Glee:<br />
<br />
Generic Friend: I totally went to an awesome party Saturday and got sooooo wasted!<br />
Generic Friend: Who's Rachel?<br />
Me: Who's Rachel?! KILL YOURSELF! I'm talking about Glee! Glee's Rachel! eek <br />
Generic Friend: ......<br />
Me: *KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP HOOOOOOOLLDDDIIIIIIIIIING OOOOOOONNNN ringtone heard* Wait a sec, i'm getting a message from Twitter. It's Naya Rivera. "I'm eating a sandwich." OMGISN'TSHEJUSTTHECUTESTPERSONEVERRRRR??? eek <br />
Generic Friend: Welp, looks about that time where i change schools.<br />
<br />
(The eek face is my expectant face. Promise.)<br />
<br />
This Glee fascination has gone from casual to obsessive in a matter of matter of months. Like, i'm listening to an online radio station that plays GLEE AND ONLY GLEE (Not Pandora 'cause that bitch plays NONGLEECASTSINGINGTHESEGODDAMNSONGS). I've been ignoring Gaia because i'm part of of a Brittana/HeYa community (A community that we refer to as a fight club, so i can't really go into details. After all... the first rule of Fight Club: YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB). But it's not like i need to be part of a 12-step program. I know my issue. I like music. Glee does music. ME GUSTA. Now to different non-Glee related issues. I'M A CHICK, IGNORE THE AVATAR (Actually, don't ignore him. He gets emotional). I'm 16, turning 17 in October and i'm a JUNIOR, BEEYOTCH!!! I don't wanna leave the comfort of my parents' house yet .__. They have food here. And it's not ramen...<br />
<br />
What else can i rant on and on about? Oh yeah...<br />
<br />
Likes & Dislikes<br />
Likes<br />
-Kingdom Hearts (DUH.)<br />
-Music<br />
-Friends<br />
-Drawing (Double Duh)<br />
-Pretty Little Liars<br />
-Brittana (Brittany and Santana)<br />
-Wasting my time on websites like gaia (And TLC that fight club thing i was talking about earlier ) ninja <br />
-Katamari Damacy<br />
-Random acts of kindness *Hint hint wink wink*<br />
-Yuri and Yaoi<br />
-RENT... i love that musical. I will never get tired of it.<br />
-Cake is a big winner on my "If You Wanna Be On Good Terms With Me" list. <br />
-BIG FONTS<br />
-And RENT.<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Dislikes<br />
-Being alone<br />
-Being yelled at <br />
-People who make me go outside when i don't want to... You know who you are...<br />
-Using PhotoShop. It really hates me.<br />
-Cleaning<br />
-People who can't type out their words. Or say "yhu" instead of "you". I mean, congrats on the fact that you didn't say "u", but you can't honestly sit there and pat yourself on the back for being thisclose to saying "you" LIKE A PROPER HUMAN BEING.<br />
-Being forced to do something, like "homework", or "duh-riving" or "get a job you lazy bum", thanks mom.<br />
<br />
...And that's about it.<br />
More About the Person Behind Atomic That You Pro'lly Didn't Want to Know...<br />
<br />
My smart-guy Steve tells me i'm horny when i'm on my period. That is absolutely true. 3nodding <br />
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I do like to make nicknames for all my friends, but only if they ask... Or i'm bored... Whichever.<br />
<br />
I sleepwalk...a lot apparently.<br />
<br />
My brain is probably the size of one of they keys on this keyboard I'm slowly typing on. Hmm, maybe one of the letters. No, one of the symbols even. My brain is the size of the period. That one. Right. There. *touches screen and breaks computer* THIS ALWAYS HAPPEEEEENNNNNSSSS!!!<br />
<br />
People don't recognize that I exercise often. Maybe it's because i eat six bags of cheesy puffs and a stick of butter afterwards.<br />
<br />
So, i'm a bit of a clutz with balance. I don't know how to explain it simpler than that.Like, if you watch me in the halls i'll waddle around running into people and tripping over air, but i'll always be flat on my feet in time for the next step. I'm kind of majestic, actually. As majestic as a unicorn walking into a screen door or a sparkly penguin with two left feet xP<br />
<br />
I believe that people who know the least about a subject come up with more creative things than a master of it. Therefore, i try not to learn anything :3 (Which makes me the idiot you're reading about)<br />
<br />
Anyways...<br />
<br />
Actually, that's about it. Feel free to look at the rest of my profile, i love a lot of these pics.<br />
<br />
~Sayonara<br />
<br />
-OMG, Sayonara looks like Mayonnaise when you squint your eyes... REALLY HARD....<br />
<br />
....No? ....<br />
You people have no sense of imagination. <br />
<br />
Oh yeyuh, beeteedubbs if you actually took the time to read this i want you to know that i took the time to write this 8D (Not all at once, thats CRAZY talk!! This is actually an edit of that last sentence, and this is an edit of that sentence) I thank you *bows vigorously*<br />
<br />
Also, i'm totally a rapist. Sorry for the late warning... But i will rape you. <br />
<br />
WAIT. Before you actually stop reading this, i want you do this quick test. Think of a song. Any song. Got your song thought of? Guess what. GLEE HAS PROBABLY ALREADY DONE IT. Total mindfxck.<br />
<br />
Hiding this in here... Glee.... My nerdiness exceeds capacity<br />
<br />
What can i say, I'm a gleek. Sue me. <.< >.>
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