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Artist Info:
Hello! My name's Sarah a.k.a noirist.<br />
I've been on/off Gaia since around 2006.<br />
This is what I look like, in real life:<br /><br />
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My book collection as of Jan 2021:<br />
Link to pic - Warning, it's massive!<br />
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I'll just share this little thing I filled in, from the Awesome Mature Gaians guild.<br /><br />
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Name:<br />
Nicknames: noir<br />
Favorite color: Green<br />
Favorite food: Any kind of pasta dish!<br />
Hobbies: Reading and adding to my book collection, watching films, listening to audiobooks/music<br />
Interests: Horror, cooking, walking/exploring new places, playing PC games co-op with my bf<br />
Occupation: Health care assistant<br />
Pets: A Black Pug called Monty<br />
Catch Phrase: "It must be a glitch!" (Even if something goes wrong in real life, just say "It's a glitch!"<br />
Thing you like most about Gaia: The quirky outfits you can make, chatting to nice people<br />
Favorite Gaia Item: Rocker the Pug, because that's my Monty.<br />
Quest/Wishlist: A few things. There's nothing I MUST have, really...<br />
Describe yourself in one word: Worrier.<br />
Anything else we should know: I'm in my 30's. I'm half English/Filipino and live in the UK. I heart chatting to friendly peeps. I'm quite lazy and un-motivated right now in life, but I'm a friendly, easy-going person, so hopefully that makes up for some of that. lol
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Gaia is pretty darn quiet compared to how it used to be sweatdrop so if you too are feeling a bit bored and want someone to chat with, feel free to shoot me a PM/comment! And remember...<br /> - Avg. rating:
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