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Artist Info:
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Basic Info<br />
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01.Full name: Kitsuke Aura<br />
02.Nickname: Aura, Aura-chan, Ta-chan or Kitsuke<br />
03.Birthday:15/08<br />
04.Hometown: Somewhere....<br />
05.Current Location: In gaia<br />
06.Eye Color:Blue sapphire <br />
07.Hair Color: Blue sapphire<br />
08.Height:4' 9<br />
09.Heritage: <br />
10.Zodiac Sign?: Leo<br />
11.Current goals: Nothing ^_^ <br />
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01.Where were you born in the world?: Malaysia?<br />
02. Do you still remain there?: umm...yea?<br />
03. Do you have any foreign blood in you? (if so, elaborate): secret<br />
04. What year were you born in?: 1994<br />
05. Were you early, on time or late?: Hmm...don't no<br />
06. Looking back, do you believe you had an easygoing childhood?: do I?<br />
07. Was it a happy one and full of great memories?: pain...*orz*<br />
08. Or - does your childhood pain you to even think about?: yup<br />
09. What particular birthdays stand out?: hmm...<br />
010. Did your parents throw parties for you and invite all your friends?: don't even mention it<br />
011. How old were you when you started school?: 5 years old<br />
012. Did you look forward to it or did your mother have to drag you there kicking and screaming?: I can't remeber but I was all alone bac then<br />
013. What subjects did you enjoy in these periods?: ART's and Science<br />
014. What activities and hobbies did you enjoy outside school?: doing nothing<br />
015. Were you very active or did you spend most time sitting in front of the TV?: Rarely<br />
016. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?: 14... -_-"<br />
017. What were your favorite toys?: hmm...gundam I guess...<br />
018. How old were you when you started puberty?: in year 6<br />
019. Did you start before all your friends or after?: either<br />
020. How have you changed since those early days?: don't know<br />
021. Are you a social outcast or outgoing?: outgoing<br />
022. Would you say you were intelligent?: never say that<br />
023. Do you want to do well and get a good job?: most likely<br />
024. Or are you more of a traditionalist - would you want to be a housewife bringing up your family?: I rather being alone<br />
025. How old are you now?: 15<br />
026. Do you still feel like a kid or are you more mature than most kids your age?: Orewa hennachoko kodomo desu!!!<br />
027. What are your current ambitions?: None... -_-"<br />
028. Do you think they will change or will you get what you want in life?: stop hoping so much<br />
029. What would be the perfect career for you?: I don't know<br />
030. What do you plan to study in college or university?: either<br />
031. Do you think you are more academically minded or just clever?: Errr...<br />
032. Do you like to think you are unique?: nope...<br />
033. Do you loathe the idea of conforming, like just being another victim of fashion?: nope<br />
034. Are you open minded?: most likely<br />
035. Will you be friends with anyone, despite the way they dress etc?: Don't care<br />
036. Don’t you just hate cliques and labels?: Ehh? Why I should do that?<br />
037. Are you still in education? (If so, what school): SMK<br />
038. Do you want to travel the world?: hahaha... sweatdrop <br />
039. Where would you most like to go and why?: Japan!! Coz there where is my senpai lives!!<br />
040. Does religion play any role in your life?: Sure it does<br />
041. What do you think of Christianity - do you believe that Jesus really existed?: Yes but I'm not christian<br />
042. What would be your worst nightmare?: Japanese ghost<br />
043. Has it ever come true?: never and it won't happen<br />
044. Do you dream a lot?: always<br />
045. Do you think that your dreams are important - do they inspire you in anyway?: hmm...<br />
046. Do you speak any other languages?: Yup<br />
047. Do you think it would be interesting or fun to make up your own language?: Sure it does<br />
048. Do you have a vivid imagination?: Yup<br />
049. What are you most frightened of?: Vampires<br />
050. Are you an active person - or are you lazy?: I'm lazy<br />
051. What is your favorite form of exercise?: running<br />
052. What are your favorite things to do when you have spare time?: drawing<br />
053. What do you love to do but never have the time?: drawing<br />
054. Are your parents strict with you?: yup<br />
055. Do you have any piercings?: afraid to wear it<br />
056. If not, do you want any?: NO!!!<br />
057. What are your goals as of now?: nothing<br />
058. What are you most looking forward to this month?: PMR, PMR...<br />
059. Do you live life to the full?: err<br />
060. Have you ever been seriously ill?: yup<br />
061. Do you find life too difficult at times?: yup<br />
062. Have you ever been diagnosed with depression?: yup<br />
063. Does music play an important part in your life?: most likely<br />
064. What kind of music do you choose to listen to?: classical<br />
065. Where are your favorite places to be by yourself, besides your bedroom?: bathroom<br />
066. Do you believe in love and soul mates?: hard to tell<br />
067. Are you a romantic sort of person who wants their knight in shining armor?: paper bag please?<br />
068. Do you believe in yourself?: hmm...<br />
069. Do you have low self esteem?: yup<br />
070. Do you spend a lot of time hating yourself? (if so, why?): A lot of reason<br />
071. Do you give good advice to people?: Ask my friend<br />
072. If I asked you to describe yourself in words, what words would you give me?: I'm a weirdo...that's all<br />
073. What do you hate?: being someone else<br />
074. Who are your best friends?: shh...secret<br />
075. Do you like to express yourself through writing or art?: both<br />
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L0VE<br />
01. It is impossible to define love in words. So what exactly does love mean to you?: annyoying<br />
02. The obvious question, have you ever really been in love?: in my dream<br />
03. If so, how did you know?: like I said, in my dream<br />
04. Who were you in love with?: With my bi-shonen character razz <br />
05. Are you still in love with that person?: lol<br />
06. What made them so special?: nothing. They just in my igimanation<br />
07. It's a cliche, but did you feel sickly and have butterflies in your stomach when seeing him/her?: eh?<br />
08. Did/do you think about him/her a lot?: probaly<br />
09. Have you only ever had one true love or more?: -_-"<br />
010. Do you think it is impossible for someone under the age of 15 to love as they're too young to understand what it means?: err...I don't know<br />
011. Do you smile every time you think about him/her?: *stare*<br />
012. Are you in love at the moment?: haha...of course no...<br />
013. What is your favorite love story and why?: err...don't have one<br />
014. Do you think it is possible to love more than one person at once?: yup it is<br />
015. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?: no<br />
016. When you were young, did you ever think you were in love with a celebrity (if so, who)?: I hate celebrity<br />
017. What makes a person beautiful to you?: hmm....well, another secret<br />
018. Have you ever thought you were in love when really you weren't?: ehh???<br />
019. Have you ever told someone you loved them when you didn't mean it?: of course NOO!!!<br />
020. Do you think it's cruel to do that?: I DON'T THINK SO!!!<br />
021. Have you ever had your heart broken?: yea...once<br />
022. Or have you ever broken someone's heart?: yup...*sigh*<br />
023. Are you a romantic person?: no<br />
024. If so, what makes you romantic?: no<br />
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0PINI0NS / RAND0M<br />
01. Love or lust?: love<br />
02. How often do you experience lust?: nevar!!!<br />
03. Love at first sight isn't real, it's lust, right?: err....<br />
04. How many people have you truly wanted so to speak?: no one<br />
05. What do you think of girls who steal another's boyfriend?: she's a playgirl thats alll<br />
06. What do you think of adultery?: umm...errr<br />
07. Which celebrities do you have crushes on?: NEVR!!!<br />
08. Are you straight, gay, or bisexual?: STRAIGHT YOU IDDIOT!!!<br />
09. What do you think of bisexuality - are you one of those people who believe you should be attracted to one or the other, or are you open minded/okay with it?: *puke*<br />
010. Do you think some young people claim to be bisexual because its a trend going round?: *puke out green vomit*<br />
011. Do you know anyone who is homophobic?: *puke out blood*<br />
012. If you were sat next to a gay/lesbian couple who were kissing and groping each other, would you honestly feel uncomfortable?: *puke*<br />
013. What do you think of gay marriages/adoptions?: WTF!!! STOP ASKING THOSE STUPID QUESTION!!<br />
014. Do you know any girl under the age of 16 who is/were/got pregnant?: hmm...yea I know someone <br />
015. What do you think of underage pregnancies?: well...I don't know what I gonna say<br />
016. Do you think more could be done to prevent it?: yup. As long we try<br />
017. How old do you think young people should be when they learn about sex & contraception?: until they reach adult age<br />
018. How old were you?: how many times you gonna ask?<br />
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DATING<br />
01. Are you dating anyone?: no one<br />
02. How old were you when you went on your first date?: never in my life<br />
03. Where did you go?: N/A<br />
04. Where is/would be your favorite place to go on a date?: N/A<br />
05. Should the guy pay?: N/A<br />
06. Kissing on a first date?: only in my dream... <br />
07. Would you go any further than that?: no<br />
08. How many dates have you been on?: 0<br />
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RAN-DOOM!<br />
01. Clubs, Spades, Hearts, or Diamonds?: Diamonds<br />
02. Do you celebrate Valentines?: I hate Valentines<br />
03. What do you think about Tetris?: ehh???<br />
04. Do you think Lady Gaga is a man?: no<br />
05. What do you think of condoms?: *pukes*<br />
06. What color are your kitchen plates?: orange<br />
07. Do you eat carrots?: yup<br />
08. Do you think pornography is wrong?: OF COURSE ITS DO!!!<br />
09. Do you really care about politics?: Not really<br />
10. What comes first in your life?: my future<br />
11. What did you eat for dinner?: random<br />
12. Where did you lose your virginity?: SHINU!!<br />
13. Have you ever seen a ghost?: hmm...when I small<br />
14. Have you ever peed yourself with laughter?: yup<br />
15. How many Gaia accounts do you own?: 3<br />
16. Think of some really awful first names: Kuroi<br />
17. Do people ever misspell your name?: Always....<br />
18. What are your obsessions?: nothing<br />
- Avg. rating:
- 18 Fans
- Will Vandom
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- Anti-Sally Acorn
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Comments (4 Comments)
- riana hani - 08/27/2009
- so amazing..i like all..so fantastic
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- Messanger of Darkness - 06/29/2009
- wow your work is amazing
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- aikirin - 10/16/2008
- you draw very greatly (hpoe yu understand what i say)
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- eii meyl tha - 10/09/2008
hi thanks for your comment ^_^
well, your art look cute too..
keep up the good work..
eheee - Report As Spam