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Sup! My nickname's Neko but everyone now calls me TAK which stands for Toxic Acid Kitty, I got this nickname cuz my favorite colors are green and black but not like a dark dark green, more like an acidey green. <br />
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I LOVE to draw i do it all the time, I have a folder filled with all of my drawings, I love drawing anime more then anything, but i can draw other things, Fairies, Dragons, Hats and canes, Crows and skulls that sort of stuff...i have a hard time with people, hands and feet and legs o.o in most of my drawings you'll see only the top part of them ^^<br /><br />
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I'm not emo, I'm punk, I don't believe in the United States government and i'm a "rebel" I like to do my own thing, I don't dress, talk, act, or think the way most teens do, I dress like a punk sometimes.<br /><br />
Ummmmm I am In love with someone^.^ he's like the SECOND greatest person i met, he loves me and i loves him. His name is Van and he's the Emo to my punk ya know! <3 <br />
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I call him the second greatest person i met because the first greaatest person is my pet. He's so nice and he's been through alot and still seems to keep going hes my role model sorta kind'a he's la awsomeness!<br /><br />
I'm German -.- yeah German come on get it out of your system might as well.<br />
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I love being German, because the Germans' past are so awsome. <br />
WWI WWII the great wall, the great depression. i just think its cool to learn about that history <3 <br />
bergauf von hier aus (i don't remeber what it is, is in German but it says uphill from here^^)<br />
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Well thats about it!<br />
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