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  • Artist Info: Hello. It has seemed you have came to my profile in curiosity about my life. Well, I'll tell you! My name is Toby(or Tobi or whatever you wish to call me that is not mean. >___> wink As you can see, I love anime. Preferiblly Naruto and Hetalia. I also like to eat, draw, watch youtube, play on gaia, go on deviantart, and check messages. Oh, I forgot to add my addiction for yaoi. I am obsessed! I also like to RP with my friend TsundereOtaku(she's Anime and Yaoi obsessed also C: ). I have two cats, two fish, and some bunnies living under my shed. I'm part of the Akatsuki group with my friends, I iz Tobi(where my online name came from C: ). Reinru is Deidara, and TsundereOtaku's Hidan(she claims to be Konan, but I still call her Hidan anyway x3). I'm pretty good at drawing chibis, sad pics, and anime. But Rein's the bestes(is that even a word...? Oh well)!!!!! I am supposed to be her student, but she never taught me. I learned from experience. TsundereOtaku, Reinru and BloodFireGirl are all like sisters to me! My username for Xbox Live is bladeofpyon if you want to add me. The only games I mostly play are L4D, L4D2, Aliens vs Predators and Call of Duty Black Ops(ZOMBIE MODE BABY!!!). I absolutely positivly love Deidara and Sasori. They are my most favorite characters in the whole Naruto series and any anime in general! When i'm not on the laptop, i'm playing Xbox or PS3. I'm in LOVE with them!!!!! Oh, and I have a few other favorites. They're not as big as my Naru faves, but they're alright.<br />
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    Loveless: Yayoi, and Ritsuka.<br />
    Fruits Basket: Momiji FTW!!!(I was born on Yuki's year though C: )<br />
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    Some Yaoi pairings in order of lovingness:<br />
    DeiSaso, SasoDei(VERY DIFFERENT), TobiDei, KisaIta fluff, HidaKaku fluff and kissing, ZetsTobi fluff, USCanada, USUK, <br />
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    Yay! Fox screenshot!(Yes, my username used to be 0takuXD)<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    Dragon Council<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to add... <br />
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    I WILL NOT ACCEPT A RANDOM FRIEND REQUEST!!! And that is that.<br />
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    Oh! These are my other websites I go on!<br />
    <br />
    http://incognetoed0takuxd.deviantart.com this is my DeviantArt page. It's where I like to post drawings and other crap!<br />
    http://quizilla.teennick.com/user/midnatwilightprincess42/ this is my quizilla page. I barely go on it and post stuff anymore! I might start it up again though<br />
    http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/18903851 This is my gaia page! Wait... You ARE on my gaia page! XD<br />
    <br />
    A is for always failing our missions!<br />
    K is for killing Sasuke!<br />
    A is for art (Dei: U~u~un!) DEIDARA! GET OUT OF THIS SONG!<br />
    T is for tormenting Tobi(Dei: Tobi is a moron! Tobi: Hey!)<br />
    S is for stalking Na~ru~to!<br />
    U is for unknown lyrics!<br />
    K is for killing anyone in sight!<br />
    I is for Itatchi!<br />
    And these are all the things that we do! Here at the A~A~Akatsuki! WOO!!!
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