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  • Artist Info: So, my name is Sabrina. I like sweets, lasagna, and pizza. I just started art requests on 6/12/2010. biggrin I like to hang out with my friends, draw and do something stupid. My closest friends are @devilish_13_emo, @fuji yin, tymir, tordel, Jakers, Stephanie, Rae gutzat. I love me some converse 3nodding and <br />
    I like to do karate. Me and my sister, Sam, do the order of ishynru karate style:3 <br />
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    I don't take any disrespect to women. I can be a bitch if I want to.<br />
    I love music, I'm not very picky. I'm not a fan of being hit on. It kinda depends on my mood. I appreciate if GUYS would keep it in their pants. I don't care if you're hitting on the girl next to me, get a room. I like porn. (I know, shocking, "I never knew girls liked porn" gtfo, I don't like you)<br />
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    As a fast fact, I love martial arts, UFC, and arguments. I don't like wrestling, boxing. I think tatoos are cool. I like comedies. Tragidies make me cry. I also can't spell for shit if you haven't noticed. I've always wanted to sky-dive.<br />
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    I have the sleeping habits of an owl with rabies. I might tell you to eat babies. Also, this probably made me sound bi-polar.<br />
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    I'm happy to see you visited my profile:3 <br />
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