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Well, here you are, on my profile, wondering who I am, what I do, and what I like... or maybe you're here to comment or somn... either way, you're reading this because you have nothing better to do than to learn about this weirdo.<br />
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Anyways, My former Alias was once Sam Maxwell, AKA: Sarimax... that was my fursona's former name. However, ever since my egg has cracked, I prefer Sari Maxwell, as that's what my name will change to irl once I finally transition, he-heh.<br />
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If you'd wish to know more about me and my interests, then they'll all be in the interests thingamabobermajiggy (except for less... suitable for work interests). Otherwise, if you're reading to know more about me personally, then besides the fact that I'm a socially anxious, socially awkward mess of a human being that somehow lives every day, then the only other things I'm willing to talk about are things I only talk about with friends.<br />
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To Unlock the Achievement of being my friend, you first have to talk to me. No, I'll never be the one to initiate the conversation... you'd have better luck surviving a meteor strike while winning the lottery. Don't expect me to hold a conversation unless it's something I'm really passionate about (a trait that comes with being an introvert). I'm pretty easy to talk to. I'm actively friendly to those who warrant said friendliness.<br />
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I have 0 tolerance for jerks and assholes and snobs. if you're looking to start trouble, you'll only have a few responses from me left, before you're blocked forever, no ifs, ands or buts about it.<br />
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Anyways... uh... I think that's all I have to say for now... if you wanna know more... don't be shy to PM me and stuff. - Avg. rating:
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