• Snowy One Piece Lover's Gallery
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  • Artist Info:
    Welcome to my profile. <br />
    Prepare to be mindscrewed.
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    So.. I guess I should start with the basics:
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    Name: I prefer you call me Snowy sweatdrop <br />
    Age: If you are close enough to me on Gaia I would tell you if you asked me 3nodding <br />
    Gender: I'm a man but I have a female avatar for no reason...what do you think? I'm a girl...<br />
    Homestate: Born a Texan (USA), I have lived in California for about four years...moved back to the Lone Star due to personal issues.<br />
    Personality: I'm normally nice but if you annoy me all hell will break loose twisted <br />
    Orientation: It's weird that people want me to put this neutral Creeper much? Anyway, I'm straight. Heterosexual, straighter than a toothpick. I can go further but... TIME FOR THE NEXT THINGIE<br />
    Pet Peeve: When people make grammar mistakes...when I especially make grammar mistakes. Stupid people who like to start fights on the internet "Oh you're so scary...please don't Caps Lock me to death stare "<br />
    Current Obsessions: One Piece, DeviantART, Fanfiction, role-playing.<br />
    Stuff That People Find Annoying: The fact that I'm a total shipper...although I only worship one pairing out of all of them heart (If you look into my profile more, you'll understand...)<br />
    Stuff That I find Annoying: My glasses...I freaking. Hate. Them.<br />
    Stuff That I Wish Weren't True: That I'm as blind as a bat so I'm going to have them for a while...Also war, bullies, trolls.
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    Memorable Quotes:
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    If you have one foot on yesterday and the other on tomorrow, you will be taking the biggest shit on today. -My dad (best role-model ever lol)<br />
    Buggy: You...cut me to pieces...<br />
    -None Piece<br />
    My father was a test tube and my mother was a rubber-band. You do the math! -Luffy (None Piece)<br />
    Ugh, I dragged his ass two miles and you had the *censor beep* key the whole *censor beep* fucking time?! -Zoro (None Piece)<br />
    I'M GOOD AT YELLING TOO!!! -Zoro (None Piece)<br />
    You all have baby squirrel *censor beep*!-Usopp (None Piece)<br />
    No! Punch the hover board and eat the swing-set! -Zoro (None Piece)<br />
    Ok! So we're all clear on this, the hover board is made of licorice, we can punch it if we want to, but only if it's near a swing-set. -Lelouche (None Piece) ((Don't ask why he's there xD))
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    Favorite Pairings
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    One Piece
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    Usopp/Kaya (OTP), Franky/Robin, Robin/Brook (Crack pairing), Law/Monet, Others I can't think of at this moment...
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    User Image<br />
    ^You when you saw this profile.
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