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Hi, I'm WhiteFangGirl06 or you can just call me Fang for short. <br />
Will I am a fan of anime and manga and love to read multi-task on reading more then one series at a time. I have been to a convention only twice and I missed this years but I plan to go to the one for next year, don't know if I will cosplay or who I would cosplay. <br />
I love watching the street lights when in the car at night heading to random places.<br />
I can speak some Japanese and read Hiragana and Katakana which are two of the three alphabets in the Japanese language. I love speaking and having conversations in Japanese, so if your ever interested just to practice or anything like that just ask. <br />
I love to Draw, play games on the ds (pokemon, Phoenix wright,etc) and play computer games (Gaia, Mabinogi, etc.) and many other things like just hanging out with my friends or sometime seeing movies.<br />
Guess that's it for now though when it comes to saying stuff about me. So I will leave you to random stuff.<br />
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P.S. I am random also at times. <3<br />
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looking for someone to battle in pokemon soul silver. :3 - Avg. rating:
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