- Golden Teaspoon's Gallery
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Once Upon A Time...<br />
A young princess was chattering with her friends when she noticed a shy prince sitting on his own. She wandered over and investigated this new prince. They began to chat about their similarities and hobbies. Slowly but surely the Princess started to see the prince in a different way, he was exceedingly handsome and sweet. After a year of friendship, the prince was forced to move to a new location and the princess was heartbroken. Only a short while later, he returned for a visit and they went on their very first date and began their courtship. Living in different kingdoms was difficult at times; the prince and princess longed to be together more than the short visits that were allowed. The prince left for training, he was to serve the land he'd grown up with. She wrote to him often and upon his graduation ceremony he proposed to his princess. Only a few fast months later the prince and princess married and joined their kingdoms into a single castle just for them. They are now living out their<br />
Happily Ever After...<br />
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With God, all things are possible.<br />
"I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine."<br />
Solomon 6:3<br />
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Currently stuck in: Fort Hood<br />
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ABSOLUTELY love my beautiful daughter. She was born on August 6th, 2014 and she is the total embodiment of the perfect baby!<br />
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RIP Nanny<br />
February 1934-April 2015<br />
RIP Cousin Cody<br />
January 1992-August 2015<br />
RIP Big Sister Bethanie<br />
January 1987-October 2015<br />
You will always be a part of us.<br />
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