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Artist Info:
Hi I'm ..... im not gonna tell yah.I love being random and crazy. It just makes me so happy.I was born on earth day. Only my friends in rl will know my age ( I do make exceptions) I live in maryland.my best friend on Gaia and real life is says hi. she's extremely insane and I mean it.if you watched her all day it would be hilarious.I have two older brothers and a younger one. I have a cat named candy.I love cooking and I'm a rockin singer. Those are my future career plans. I come off as a tomboy because of my height but I'm not. I used to hate to dress up but now I love it. So I guess I'm a tomboy/ girly girl. I'm really nice and always stick up for my friends. I'm greedy too.cuz I can sure eat( I have a small belly though . My fave food is calamari.I like probably any type of music you can think of(including Japanese music.I love manga and anime).my fave song is brocken strings.I'm available but not pressed about it at all. mow meow meooooooow!!(me in my kitty form.that means feed me now!!!jk i really shouldnt make fun of meh self.....heh ha)now its the end.<br />
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Bye Now - Avg. rating:
- Dark Fairy
- Painting And Drawing
- 5 recent comments
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