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- Artist Info: Hello ^_^, My name is Rachel. My life is revovled around art. Every day I draw, and I draw in class, and on my home work when we are correcting it. Suprisingly, I don't get in-trouble. They actually like it! xD Also, I found a college in Conneticut >.>... called the college of Conneticut (if I remembered that correctly). Too bad I can't go to college yet for a cartoonist degree... Have to wait for 5 or so more years @_@. My birthday is on January 8. ^_^ But no one really cares about it anyway. The animal I like the most is cats and birds. Some people think I'm a dog that you can command *ahem*some "friends"*cough*. If you ever want to see my deviant art you can :] My user name is Lora898. I only trust 4 friends with my expensive art equipment. (Their names are Nikki, Hanna, Rachel and Kaitlyn. ^_^ They are really nice to me and never get mad at me.) Rachel is like my opposite >.>"... I'm tall she's short. She's blonde, I'm brunnet. She is green-eyed, I'm hazel-eyed. xD lol! She said the reason of he being short is because I always pat her on the head :... I can agree to that. lol! (has no clue what else to talk about.) Erm... o.o Have a nice day?
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