Nyghtmare Nyx's Gallery
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My name's Emilie, but my friends call me 'Ems'. I'm a college student and aspiring artist. Right now I am the golden age of 21 and I'm an assistant manager at a retail store while I get my career underway. <br />
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I mainly grew up in Chicago, but at this point I've been to fourteen different schools, lived in countless cities and states, and have met so many unforgettable characters along the way. Right now, my home base is somewhere in Kansas - which is great if the zombie apocalypse rears it's rotten head around anytime soon - but I plan to study abroad and see the world. <br />
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I love art, it is my passion. I am not amazing at it - yet, but I very recently decided to change my major to graphic design so that I can only get better. Academically, I've never really been challenged, but even though I could be a doctor or a scientist, I only just realized I will only be eternally happy if I'm drawing. Anyways, if you request it, I would love to draw you something, from portraits, to painting, and anything in between, even caricatures and anime. Likewise, I'm a theater freak(thespian), and a four-time forensics national qualifier. Oh dear god, I don't know what I'd do without acting. I also love to read, though I close-mindedly confined myself to fantasy, I absolutely adore history and fiction with political, social, and psychological themes (i.e. 1984, Catch-22, etc.). <br />
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I can't go thirty minutes without music, in my head, on the radio, burning through my Zune, I love it.<br />
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Here's a huge surprise: I'm a complete nerd. I love video games to and have been playing them since I was old enough to hold a gameboy. If I'm not on my xbox (the love of my life, by the way) playing Call of Duty, Fable, Borderlands, Skyrim, Portal, etc, then I've always got my DS in my car. It's pretty funny when my employees knock on my window and I get to see them react to m playing rpg's on my lunch break. Then of course, there's a good chance I'm out with my friends, up to no good. I'm so blessed to have all the friends I do, but it always makes for a busy, adventurous day.<br />
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Aside from all of these hobbies, I also am an athlete. I run pretty regularly, it's kinda my thing. I play basketball every now and then, though not nearly as much as I used to, and I can throw a pig skin pretty well. In what little free time I have that I'm not playing videos games or drawing or the like, I'm out with my wonderful boyfriend. We like to shoot guns (from shotguns to rifles and everything in between), fish, and play pool. <br />
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Anyways, that's me in a nutshell, thanks for stopping in. Let me know if I can help you with anything!<br />
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Recently, I've been really intrigued by philosophy. I'm currently reading Capitolism and Schitzophrenia as well as some Nietzsche<br />
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Lennon, by Moi<br />
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