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Welcome! Take your shoes off before entering the Profile. I don't want mud and dirt tracked inside. Thank you and enjoy your flight with cupcake airlines.<br /><br />
Please keep your hands and feet inside the profile at all times.<br />
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yum_cupcake Hello! My name is Pink Cupcake, but you can call me pink. yum_cupcake <br />
Welcome to my profile, since you are here, let me tell you a little about myself.<br />
I am a happy and bubbly 23 year old girl. I have dark black hair, black eyes, and I am five foot eight.<br />
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I love cute things, glitter, and colorful things but don’t let that fool you. I contradict myself. I may love cute frilly things but I also have a dark side. <br />
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Black is my favorite color to wear but red is my favorite color.<br />
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I love Rock and metal and genres like those. I love listening to weird songs in my car and watch old people give me dirty looks. <br />
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Currently I am going to school to be a pastry chef because it is a sweet job to have....get it....sweet job....puny I know. Anyways, I am almost done with my bachelors! <br />
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I love drawing and art. I love to get my vivid imagination from in my head to out in the world. I have the passion for creation.<br />
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I LOVE youtube, and I spend far too much time on it. My favorite youtubers are Jenna Marbles, Rhett and Link, Grav3yardgirl, and many others.<br />
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I usually don’t hate things but I can NOT stand mushrooms and sea creatures. As I said before I contradict myself because I also love swimming and the water. The ocean amazes me but the creatures that reside in it creep me out. <br />
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I find people interesting but I am an introvert and have a hard time in social situation for too long. I love parties though. <br />
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I am a nerd for supernatural things. I love listening to lets read youtube channels that tells true creepy stories. My favorite are creepy let’s not meet stories and ghost stories.<br />
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Well that is all for now, if u want to know more about me check out my 526,666 page biography. Oh!! and I can't forget my best hobby of all, stalking and kidnapping CursedChihiro.
<br />yum_cupcake ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yum_cupcake<br />idea Food for Thought idea <br /><br />
<br />If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?<br /><br />
In the song Yankee Doodle, is he calling the horse or the feather "macaroni"? <br />
Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round? <br />
Why does quicksand work slowly? <br />
Can crop circles be square?<br />
Why do they sterilize lethal injections?<br />
Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.
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