• Ana's Blog

    Ana's Room - 10:00am (ish)
    Pants. That's what my life was, pure pants. I just couldn't come to grips with it. He had an ex.

    Why should I care though? She's just a silly ex.
    I'll tell you why. Because everyone knows that exs are stupid cows who always want the guy back in the end because he likes someone else, even though they're just using the guy anyway.

    I hate my pants life.

    So what do you do when you find out the only guy you really like has an ex who clearly wasn't ready to let go of him?

    You do nothing. You sit around moping all day because you know you've lost and that there's no point in carrying on. You surrender to pants, because that's what your life is from now on.

    Do you think anyone'll notice if I just stop eating for a while?

    I'm ignoring Chloe. She keeps coming in with food and stacking the plates up around my room trying some sort of force-feeding thing. Honestly, she acts as though she was the mother I never had. And I don't mean that in a nice sort of way.

    She could have told me.

    She came in one last time and I tried to act all hard and stern to see if she'd notice that I didn't like her anymore.

    "You eaten something yet? That soup'll be cold." she said, gesturing at the bowl on the floor.
    "Why didn't you tell me Jared had an ex?"
    "What? Ooh, is this why you're trying to ignore me and act all hard or something?" Dang, how does she always crack me so quickly? I hate her. But I softened up.
    "Look, I didn't want you to get all stroppy and upset, you know how you get in this sort of situation." she explained (rather badly), "I suppose it didn't work. But you have nothing to worry about - Yossi may be pretty and thin, but she's not smart and special like you."
    "You act as if I'm a kid." I smiled.
    She smiled back, "Come on, get dressed."

    I finally got up off my chair and stretched as my butt had gone all stiff from you know, the sitting around part.

    I pulled on a teesh and some jeans as Chloe handed me a skirt. I gave her a funny look before pulling it up over my jeans and putting my arms out for a hug.

    "I'm sorry I ignored you those past fifteen minutes, you were always there for me."
    "Yeah that's great, Annie, but we got work soon. Eat something."

    Kitchen - 10:15am (ish)
    Ugh, salad. Chloe watched as I gulped down a few mouthfuls of cheese and shoved some lettuce in my mouth before opening her's to say something.

    "I bet he doesn't even like Yossi anymore, he was the one who dumped her."
    "Really?" I said, still struggling to swallow.
    "Yeah, she was all pushy and protective, trying to keep any other woman from even looking at him." her words didn't seem too reassuring, "But anyway, hurry up and finish that before work, I need you to stack some books today."

    Oh joy, tres amusant!

    Bookstore - 11:10am (ish)
    You know, stacking books is actually a lot more fun than you'd think. I get to pile things up on the floor and look busy when in matter of fact, I'm actually just making a mess Chloe'll probably have to clean up later.

    Maybe I could get to read a little today, you know, without smart-mouthed a** and His pretty little ex come in and disturb me.

    I sound as if I wouldn't want Him to come, but actually, I really just wanted to see Him smiling again. Not her though, ugh. Crawl under a desk and stay there, please.

    "Working again are we?"
    "Oh, it's you." I tried to look all disappointed when actually (as I've already explained) I was thrilled that He came in to see me again.
    "What? You not excited to see me?"
    "No, not really. I was hoping you were someone else. You know, someone interesting."

    I turned on my heels and gave Him the whole ignoring treatment as I fixed a couple of books on their shelves into a more alphabetical order. (Well, at least that's what I pretended to be doing. And I was really emphasising on the "more alphabetical" part.)

    "So I didn't see you leaving last night. When I had turned around to talk you were gone."
    "Uh yeah, I realised I had left the oven on in the apartment."
    "Oh, okay." He looked confused, "Well I never got the chance to ask you out tonight."

    My legs went all jelliod as I spun round in excitement nearly knocking Him over.

    "You wanted to ask me out?" I blushed, but this time a more pinky colour, nothing like the whole beetroot-tomato colour I usually went.
    "Eh yeah, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to a restaurant or something like that."
    "Sure, I love food!" (Uh, why the hell did that come out? Ugh, I felt so stupid!) "I mean, I'd like to go out with you, yes, that'd be nice."
    He gave off a laugh, one of those cute types He does, "Okay then, I'll call round tonight about seven."

    Chloe waited until Jared had completely left the shop and walked a few steps down the road before getting me to spill the beans completely. (Not litterally, it's only a figure of speech, I don't really carry beans around in my pockets, I'm not a weirdy.)

    "So? What'd he want?"
    "He asked me out tonight! Me!"

    I felt like a pig in mud. Not all gross and muddy, but happy. You know, 'cause pigs feel happy when they roll in mud? Oh, forget it.

    Ana's Room - 5:00pm (ish)
    Chloe came in.

    "Ooh, getting all ready for your big date tonight, eh?"
    "You betcha', I'm so nervous!" I twiddled a bit with my hair and went that sort of pink colour again.
    "What? Of my brother? What've you got to be nervous of him?" she giggled.

    Shut up, pinky.

    Jared's Blog

    Hallway - 5:25pm (ish)
    "I can't, I'm busy tonight, maybe some other time."
    "Oh come on babe, you can't be too busy not to see me."
    "Actually I am, Yossi, I'm taking Ana out tonight."
    "What, your little friend from the park? How cute." she laughed.
    "She's not just a friend, I - "

    I had to hang up, the door was opening behind me. Oh man, I hope She didn't hear that conversation.

    "Ana." I smiled, She looked amazing.
    "Hi." She smiled back, it was beautiful.

    I got all nervous around Her and couldn't talk properly.

    "So, get ready go to restaurant, are you?"
    "Eh, I mean are you all ready to go to the restaurant?" I blushed, probably for the first time ever.
    "Sure." she smiled again before closing the door behind her. I could just see Chloe waving her thumbs up at me.

    Ana's Blog

    Restaurant - 6:00pm (ish)
    The restaurant was beautiful, a French place just off the highstreet.

    He had incredible taste, when the waiter came to take our orders Jared took the menu off me (gently of course, nobody likes a rough guy) and ordered us both salmon.

    It was so romantic.

    Hallway - 8:30pm (ish)
    The evening grew on, and as we reached my apartment He leaned in and kissed me!

    Oh, I was behond the valley of blissville, it was amazing!

    I will dream about that kiss forever.

    Ana's Place - 8:33pm (ish)
    "So." Chloe came round the corner in her pjs reading a book. Not a favourite of mine anyway, I never really did like the books she read.
    "So what?" I asked casually, pretending not to know what she was talking about.
    "The date, dumb-dumb, how'd it go?"
    I sighed (a happy sigh), "Amazing!"
    "Great, that's all I wanted to know."
    "Don't you want to hear what happened? How he just kisse- "
    "Nope. He's my brother, anything past 'amazing' is bound to be disgusting for me."
    I laughed.

    Ana's Room - 9:15pm (ish)
    I laid on the floor for hours that night just smiling and thinking about Him, His smile, His lips, His kiss.

    For once, I was happy.

    Jared's Place - 9:15pm (ish)
    I often wondered what he might have been doing right then, probably just getting home I suppose and walking through his door. I know I say this all the time, but he was so hot when he walked.

    Yum, yum, yum.

    Jared's Blog

    Jared's Place - 9:15pm (ish)
    "Hello, handsome."