• Prologue:
    The wind blew through the lonely park. A car drove by, splashing water and who knows what else onto her. Still, she ran with determination towards the bridge. Once I get there, she thought, I will be able to rest. Sirens wailed in the distance. Slowly but surely, they were getting closer. The Golden Gate bridge drew closer; unfortunately, so too did the sirens. Running up a hill, the final hill before the refuge of the bridge, a cable car blocked her view.
    No!! I cannot lose sight of it! I have to get there.
    Sand flying into her shoes, wind nipping at her face, the bridge was only feet away. The air smelled of rain, a fact she ignored. Before the bridge was in full view, a voice came over a loudspeaker:
    “Young lady, stop running! You are in pursuit! Stop by the side of the road!”
    Of course, she chose to ignore this. A car zoomed by, blowing foul-smelling exhaust in her face. She looked up at the marvel before her. Finally! The bridge. She looked around and found a small area just big enough for her to lay down, just dark enough for her to be hidden. The “cops” stopped at the side of the road and got out to inspect. Ears twitching, legs shaking, she hid from the “cops.”
    Their flashlights illuminated the night. They scanned the entire area before an idea hit her. She groped the ground frantically before finding what she wanted. Her hand was tightly grasping a rock. She silently whispered into her hand, whispering to the very center of the piece of earth. Oh, please, please. Please work! She threw the stone outside and away from her hiding spot. It skipped and stuttered, taking on a similar sound to footsteps, her footsteps.
    “Over there! I heard her! She’s on the move!”
    The “cops” got into their cruisers and sped away, after the rock which was still skipping quickly along the sidewalk of the bridge. Just as she was thinking about leaving, her legs stopped her train of thought. They were throbbing.
    I suppose running for over 10 miles over so many hills will do this to a person.
    Lying back against the dusty wall behind her, she slowly let herself drift asleep.
    Please let nothing happen. They will not find out it is a trick until too late. By then, I should be gone. I will be perfectly fine here. I have no doubt in that.