• We ran along the road as fast as we could. I was getting a cramp, but I didn't want to stop. I saw the man was still following us and I ran faster.
    "Dang, Sara!" Hannah yelled, "What's with you today?!"
    "If you're talking abut the weird guy that's following us, that's not me!"
    "Hey! Look! Aeropostale!" Lili pointed to the big store.
    "This is not the time to be thinking about clothing Lili!" Jaide said.
    "No! Refuge! Turn into Aeropostale!" Lili protested.
    "One of the only good ideas you've ever had!" Hannah said.
    We kept running. The huge clothing shop was getting closer. Everything was o. We weren't going to die. We would be alive and safe.
    But then I had to do the worst thing ever-I tripped. I was turning and a fell flat on my face, throwing my arms out to stop my fall. As my elbow struck the ground, I heard a sickening crack, and pain shot up my arm. I saw through my fuzzy vision, the man, strolling right up to me.
    "Do you need a hand? My car is right there," he grinned. he was even scarier up close. He was all hardened up in a way that wouldv'e been cute for a guy, but not with him. It was just plain creepy. His hands were all calused and his face was disfigured. He smelled like alcolhal and cigarette smoke.
    "No, that's ok," I answered shakily, my words slurred.
    "No, I insist," he growled. He grabbed the arm that I had just broken and I gasped. "Come. With. Me," he said again.
    "No, my friends will call my mother. She'll come"
    "You mean those three girls that just disappered into that stupid clothing store? They can't help you. No one can," he was right in my face now and I leaned back. He twisted my wrist and I felt bones grinding together. Now I had uno broken arm, and uno dislocated wrist - on the same arm.
    "No, please. leave me alone!" I tried to scream, but it came out as a quiet squeak.
    "Come on," he started steering me to his car, which I had no idea how he got it. The answer was in the car. Another man, just as stinky and ugly as in the shotgun seat. When he saw me, he switched to the back.
    "You caught 'er, boss!" he rasped.
    "Yes, get her in!"
    As they were about to fore me into the car, my voice came back. "Help! Someone HELP!"