• Julie was eating breakfast with her parents.

    Julie Smith is a very smart student. She was 12 years old. Her uncle was a detective. Secretly, she would tell her uncle the answers to some mysterys.

    Her father looked at her. She lifted her head from the cereal bowl. "Daddy, what's wrong?" Her father sighed. "Mr. Hiroshima died last night."

    Mr. Hiroshima was Julie's's Japanese teacher. He taught her a lot of Japanese. It was her wish to go back to Japan with him one day. Although she didn't know the Japanese signs, she could understand a Japanese conversation because of him.

    Julie stared at her dad. "What?! How?!"
    "He was killed in his room while he was eating. They're looking for the killer right now."
    She ran out the door. "I'll be at Cindy's."

    Her parents didn't know that she helped her uncle out. She always made excuse to be at a friend's house. Of course, her frioend was a fake name.

    When she got to his house, she saw her uncle's car in the driveway. She ran in the house. "Uncle Aaron! What happened?!"
    "He was stabbed to death."
    Tears ran down her face. He hugged her. She wiped her tears, and looked at Mr Hiroshima.

    He there was blood all over. The main part was his wound, and his hand. She examined it. There wasn't a wound. She saw something below the hand. It was a picture made from his blood. An apple.

    She looked at the suspects. A man, Kyle Wilson. A woman, Sydney White. Another man, Ringo Micheals. The last one was Sasha Marshal.

    Now, Kyle claimed that when he arrived at the house, Mr. Hiroshima saw him dead and called the cops. He's a suspect.

    Sydney was the maid and said that she didn't hear anything but a scream. When she got to him, she saw him dead too. She called the cops, but they were already coming. A suspect.

    Ringo claimed that when he called Mr. Hiroshima, he didn't pick up. He went to his house,and when he left, he heard a scream. He went inside, but was too late. He was good friends with Mr. Hiroshima. Suspect.

    Sasha Marshal had a definite motive. Her father died trying to save Mr. Hiroshima from a car crash. And hat did he do? Nothing. He didn't even go to the funeral. She swore to have her revenge on him.

    Now, it's your turn to decide who killed Mr. Hiroshima. Was it, Kyle Wilson, a man who apparently arrived at his house during his death. Sydney White, a maid who heard the scream and arrived in his room dead. Ringo Micheals, his best friend that was at the scene of the crime. Or, Sasha Marshal, a woman with a motive.