• I went out running on Sunday morning then came back and got a bowl of cereal and watched cartoons like I did when I was 8. It was fun. Monday came quickly and I found myself looking out the window at the storm that had covered everything in a thin layer of snow. I smiled. I ran down stairs and heard the knocking on the door. I swung open the door to find a shivering Zane. I laughed.

    “Not too hot are you now hot stuff?” he rolled his eyes with a smile and pushed past me in the house.

    “Damn, I hate the cold!” I laughed.

    “Only if you would wear more then that leather jacket.” He turned to me.

    “It was my uncles.” He said softly. I frowned. “He died a couple years back. Closest thing I had to a father.” it was silent.

    “Oh, I’m sorry,” I said quietly. He shrugged.

    “Just don’t insult the jacket.” he said and posed. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

    “Come on I think my mom made something to eat. Want anything?” he grinned.

    “Yes!” we went into the kitchen to find dad sipping coffee and reading something and mom drinking a glass of water by the bar.

    “Hey Zane!” she said and smiled. “I just made some breakfast would you like any?” he nodded eagerly.

    We ate breakfast with my mom and dad. It was a little strange but I found myself relax. They like him. They actually like him. Dad wasn’t too fond of Grant but he seemed to like Zane. Surprisingly. Wait, why do you care if they like him? You’re not really dating him stupid! I suddenly lost my appetite and put down my fork and took a sip of water. Right, it’s not real. He doesn’t like you….a churning went through my stomach and I thought for a moment I might hurl but then regained myself.

    “You ok Olivia?” Zane asked across the table. I looked up and he looked actually concerned. The churning started again. He was faking it. He was faking everything. He doesn’t like you! I was yelling at myself. I felt like I was going to…no…oh no!

    “Olivia!” someone yelled. I pushed back my chair and ran up stairs holding my hand to my mouth. I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut then puked into the toilet.

    If I thought eggs would look like that, I would have never eaten eggs in my life. Zane pushed open the door as I was wiping the back of my hand over my mouth. His eyes were wide.

    “Olivia, are you ok?” he asked as he ran over and sat down to me. I nodded.

    “I’m fine,” my throat felt raw. He put his hand on my shoulder and massaged it. I closed my eyes then realized why I had barfed. I opened my eyes back up.


    “No!” I pushed his hand off me and scooted away. His eyes looked hurt. I looked at him. It was his fault you’re barfing your not so good looking eggs. “I said I was fine!” I said my voice louder. I grabbed a towel from the towel rack above my head and wiped my mouth off again still tasting the eggs.

    “I was just going to say why don’t you go lay down.” I shook my head and grabbed the wall and started to stand. I started to slip and Zane was right there holding on to me. I pushed him back and growled.

    “I can do it myself!” I yelled. He frowned. I stood up and leaned against the wall trying to get my head back on. I went to the sink and washed out my mouth then brushed my teeth. Zane watched me. “Don’t you have anything else to do?” I snapped as I got done. He clenched his teeth together.

    “Olivia!” mom said as her and dad came up the stairs. “Oh honey! Are you ok?” she asked as she came in past Zane. I nodded as she put her hands on my face. “You look pale sweetie. Let’s go let you lie down a bit. I’ll call the school.”

    “No!” I said making everyone jump from my outburst. Dad frowned mom just looked worried. “Honey—“

    “Mom its ok I’m fine. I think it was just the eggs.” I wouldn’t meet Zane’s eyes. I couldn’t. I was lying of course but I didn’t want him to know.

    “OK, if you think you are ok,” I nodded.

    “I am.” she pulled me out of the bathroom and we went down stairs. “I think we better just leave.” I told Zane who I knew was behind me, watching me. He didn’t answer. I put my jacket back on, my hands trembling a little. I grabbed my backpack and Zane followed behind me as we went out.

    “Bye!” mom called. I stopped on the porch and looked at Zane’s crappy car.

    “I don’t have 4 wheel drive.” he mumbled. I nodded.

    “We’ll take mine,” I said quietly and I headed to my black jeep. I got in and started it up shaking a little. Zane got in the other side. The jeep didn’t have very good heating so we were frozen until a block from the school when the heat finally kicked in. I put my gloved hands in front of it trying to steal the warmth. Zane just looked out the window. We didn’t talk as we headed into the school. He took my hand but it felt weird with our gloves on. We smiled at people putting on like we always did when we got mad at each other. But this was deeper. This was different. He walked me to my locker and we took our hands back.

    “I’m going to class,” he muttered. I nodded as I grabbed my books out of my locker and he disappeared in the crowd. I stared off after him. I should go talk to him. Make up for being a jerk. No, no Olivia don’t. You’re going to breaking up soon enough anyhow. It isn’t working with Grant or Kendra. Why bother going on anymore? They don’t want us back. But something inside of me wanted them to not love us. That I agreed to do this fake relationship for a reason. I didn’t know why the reason was yet. I frowned as I walked into class and sat in the back. “Olivia,” a sweet voice said. I looked up and saw Grant.

    “Hey,” I said and looked down picking at my finger nail.

    “So how was your weekend?” he asked causally. I shrugged.

    “Pretty good. Yours?” he shrugged too.

    “So, so.” I nodded still looking down. “I wanted to talk to you Olivia—“

    “OK class get settled in we are going to start class.” I looked up and saw Grant rolling his eyes. “I’ll find you later today.” he said and nodded. The sound of his voice wasn’t like Zane’s. It didn’t affect me like Zane’s did. I didn’t know why. Why did Zane’s? I never liked him. Or did I? I shook my head and listened to our teacher.