• Werewolves killed my whole family. They're nothing but a bunch of dogs that kill on impulse. That's why I became an asasin. In this era, where everyone knew about werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters (only transform into one animal), witches (are not ugly and can't fly on brooms), and other magical creatures. The world world council is trying to make peace with us. Building up tranquil and shaded towns for vamps and humans to live together, along with other magical creatures, but that's only to cover up the real s**t going on in this world. I became an asasin to find that one person that killed my family, I know he's out there, somewhere.

    "Yo! Darkness!" my friend Ikuto called. He was also a vamp asasin along with another whole gang we were in. My code name, Golden Darkness, true name, hidden from everyone. My friends just called my Darkness. He ran to me, tall, lanky, broad shoulders, winning smile, dark spikey hair, peach skin, purple eyes. He was the second-in-comand in our gang. I was the leader. "Darkness! We need your help!" He caught my hand and we flew down into the camp grounds into a tent. One of our own, short pink hair, golden brown eyes, peach skin, about 13 looking years of age, a girl. She was breathing rapidly and looking around madly. One of the nurses with blond hair told me she was shot with a wooden bullet, in the stomach. Didn't hit any vital organs, but she was dying. I kneeled down next to her, put one hand on her stomach, one hand on her forehead. Then, I sang. I sang the song Haunted by Evanescence. Then she started to heal. I was half witch, so I was also half magic. When I sang I could do almost anything, but only when I sang. Suddenly, her breathing regulated when the song was over. She looked up at me and smiled "Thank you, Darkness." She said, and fainted. "Too much stress. Let her rest." the blond haird nurse said. I nodded and left the tent with Ikuto. "Man, we're so lucky we have you!" he said cheerfully. I didn't respond to that. "Do you know who shot her?" I asked him. "I don't know much about the guy that shot her, only that it was a human asasin. If you want the whole story you will have to wait until she wakes up." he said. I nodded. "Yeah, okay" I said and walked away. That was the third one this week. Vampires are being attacked more and more nowadays. Things were getting tough. Although humans were still hireing for asasination jobs, human asasins were targeting us. I walked up to my tent on the egde of a tall hill, looking over the entire camp. I went inside and sat own on my sleeping bag. I sat there thinking, until I heard rustling outside my bag. I grabbed a knife and jumped outside my tent. "Who's there?" I said. Then I saw him rise from the bushes. Brown wolf ears and tail. Brown hair and brown eyes. "Werewolf" I snarled.

    Next, Shadow of the day 2