• It was around noontime when I finally got all my things together. I felt bad for leaving Mom and Dad to deal with an angry Moriah, but that couldnt be helped. I had to do this. I had to bring Darryl back home. I pulled on a black jacket and slung the back over my shoulder. I sighed as I looked around my room. I didnt know if I were going to come back to it. With a shake of my head, I walked out of my room and descended the steps.
    Moriah met me at the bottom. "Where do you think you're going, pest?" What had gotten into Moriah? She was usually so nice and shared sympathy for me whenever I had one of my spells. "Out," I answered, giving her a cryptic riddle. Let's see if she'll figure it out. I pushed past her and walked out the front door, just as my parents came through the kitchen. I heard them asking Moriah why I was leaving. I pulled out my iPod and turned it on. I had to get my mind off of Dante and Darryl. I began my way towards my grandmother's house.
    As I walked along the deserted sidewalk, I felt as if I were being followed. We lived in the back part of our small town, so I was practically surrounded by woods. I glanced behind me. Nothing was there. Hmm. I turned the music up on my iPod and began to walk faster. My grandmother didnt live far from us, she practically lived next door to us. Well, to be honest she lived a block away. But it was in walking distance. The overwhelming feeling of being followed persisted, making me uncomfortable. I spun around and stopped. Dante? He was here?! Then where was Darryl?!
    "Ah, Emerelda. It's so good to finally see you," he said, smiling. His bright, sapphire blue eyes sparkled in the sunshine. I gasped and turned back around. I began sprinting towards my destination, not ever daring to look back. Why was he here? What did he want from me? Was it because of Darryl? Or was it because of something else, something more? I felt Dante grab me from around my waist and we collided with pavement. I screamed and tried to pull myself free. His arms were like stone. I could barely breathe. My headphones feel out of my ears and rock music could be heard. I tossed my iPod to a safe place on the ground outside of the woods and screamed for help.
    Dante laughed. "My dear Emma, no one can hear you." I rolled over so that I was lying on my back and facing him. I kicked him and scrambled to my feet while he lay groaning and cursing, clutching his private area. Without a second thought, I turned and ran, forgetting about my iPod Darryl had gotten me for Christmas last year.
    I burst through Gran's front door and slammed the door shut, tossing my bag on the ground. She looked up from the kitchen table, alarmed. "Emma! What's wrong?" She asked, rising to her feet. I gasped for air and clutched my aching sides. "Dante, Gran, Dante," her eyes widened in fear. Dante had killed Gramps a couple of years ago, breaking Gran's heart and Mom's too. That's when Mom began drinking. Dante was a bounty hunter. He specialized in killing witches. She walked over to the cabinets across the square room and pulled out a flat, glass bowl. She used this for working magic.
    "Get the nutmeg, honey," I nodded and hurried to the far side of the room. I reached above the fridge and took down the spice rack. I picked out nutmeg and handed it to her. She twisted the top open and sprinkled some into the boiling water. She muttered an incantation and closed her eyes. I knew I must remain silent, or she would lose concentration. The ringing of the phone suddenly trilled, but it was a soft, musical melody Gran had put in herself. She is an extraordinary woman. Even if she is only 81 years old.
    "Hello?" I asked quietly, wondering who would call Gran.
    "Emerelda? What are you doing at Gran's?" Darryl! Darryl was okay! My heart leapt for joy as I heard my older brother's voice on the other end.
    "Darry, what were you thinking, running off like that?! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I accused, tears of joy filling my eyes. "Where's Gran?" Darryl asked instead, ignoring my question. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Gran.
    "She's looking for Dante," I answered my olde brother. "What? Why?" He asked, the shock and fear clearly audible in his voice. "Dante's here, Darryl. He attacked me while I was on my way here," I heard Darryl's sharp intake of breath as he took this in. "Darryl, come home. Moriah's angry with me and I don't know what to do," I said, clutching wrapping my free arm around my chest in an effort to calm myself. "I can't," he said, regret in his voice. "Why?"
    "There are....complications," he hesitated. "I've been arrested." He admitted. I nearly dropped the phone in surprise. Arrested? "For what?!" I asked, utterly shocked. "Um, murder," was his answer.