• "Ladies and Gentleman, I am proud to present, my pet doofus!" I announced cheerfully, pointing to my little brother, Charlie. He groaned. "Lizzie, shut up!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes.

    Yup. I'm Lizzie. And well, my life isn't as perfect as you think. I've kept this secret all my life...but....you should find out soon what I'm talking about. And that's how it starts........

    "Shut up, Lizzie!" I mimicked. He put up his fist and me, and I raised an eyebrow. "I'm gonna kill you!" He yelled.

    Mom burst out of the bedroom as fast as a cheetah. "What's going on here!?" She asked. Dad was right behind her. I looked between the two of them and shrugged. Charlie looked into my eyes. "Lizzie called me dumb!" He confessed.

    I looked at him. "He's lying, and he told me to shut up. Sounds like he should get grounded." I lied.

    Mom shook her head. "Charlie, how many times do we have to say that we don't say words like that in our house?"

    Tears welled up in Charlie's eyes. "You always believe her just cause she's older! I hate you!" Charlie ran into his room.

    Dad went after him, and Mom crossed her arms. "Got an explanation for that?" I looked up.

    "You don't know anything, mom! You think you do because you're an adult, and it's never gonna change!"

    Mom walked away, obviously furious.

    Dad emerged from the room. "Lizzie, Charlie told me everything-"

    I tuned out the rest and went to my room. It wasn't a big deal and they had to fuss over EVERYTHING. I ran my fingers through my hair as I made my way to the bed. I laid there and fell asleep.

    About two hours later, it was midnight. I awoke while everyone else was asleep. I felt my back and knew it felt....Irregular. I ran to the bathroom and looked into the mirror with my back facing it. I shrieked. WINGS!

    I shook my head. "Just hallucenations.....couldn't be real. Fairies are stupid!" I said to myself.

    Then I went back to bed.

    The next morning, my shirt was torn.

    "Guess I had a hard sleep," I said.

    Charlie burst in my room. I screamed. All I was wearing was sweatpants and a bra. Charlie screamed and ran out of the room. I was horrified. So i tried to put on a shirt. It ripped. I looked in my mirror. It was wings!

    I took some shirts and cut holes in them for my "wings". Then I went out of my room.

    "Charlie? Bro? You alive? Why did you scream?"
    He said, "You wear fairy costumes with your bra!"

    I giggled. "That isn't really the point, Char. These aren't fake...see?" I said, pulling up my shirt a little.

    Charlie covered his eyes. "Real? Did your shirt rip? Can you fly....Can you........do tricks?"

    I shook my head. "I'm not a dog!"

    He laughed.

    I really hadn't considered flying. So I tried to fly. And then...I fell.

    To be continued.