• D-day, M-minute, S-seconds. Thats what time it is, but besides that, it's time for war, or should i say it's time for us to die. My name is Ryan, i'm a private. I was in the boat listening to prayers, listening to people that want to go home, listening any sign of... DEATH. The commander was giving plans, but i wasn't listening that well. All i heard was "go for it". The Boat driver was counting down. When he got to one he said "nice knowing you guys, and good luck" then the doors lowered. Gun shots were flying everywhere! Blood, Screams, it's all too much. Thats when i couldn't take it anymore. I ran to a hedge. I heard my name, but wasn't quite sure if it was real. Then I heard it again, "RYAN GET OVER HERE". i reconize the voice, the voice of a friend, Rick. I looked around, but all i saw was blood. Then I looked again, they were standing in a hedge 5 feet away from me. I ran there but then i felt a sting on my arm... i was shot. I lay there in pain, in agony, in misery. I tried to crawl but couldn't move. I was nothing but a human stone. I was frozen becasue fear, fear from dieing, fear from going away, fear from hell. RYAN! That was the last thing i heard. Then i went to paradise.