• What do little kids have that older people tend to lose
    The thing more and more people seem to abuse
    It has the power to grant joy
    But at the same time can destroy
    It brings life and sometimes death
    Causing peoples first, last and even irregular breath
    Having the power to manipulate
    Capable of making people appreciate
    Wreaking havoc on innocent bystanders
    Crushing even the most powerful commanders
    Planting itself in people like a seed
    Spreading as if it were a garden weed
    Silently killing people like a disease
    While comforting people, putting them at ease
    Though some may push and shove
    As if it were sent from the place above
    Claiming what you think is yours
    Keeping it away from all those whores
    Blinding you to think its perfect
    Leaving you oblivious to the obvious defects
    Setting people free like a white dove
    This gift from the most high is love