• Those shadows, so malicious, followed her
    Her life was full of the love she knew she never deserved

    Innocent blood lay on her hands
    A plastered on smile, a facade by their demands

    The voices inside her head
    They screamed each day; she went mad

    So far gone was she, and so it was weeks later
    Authorities found a letter

    Who it was from, no one knew
    A single message scribbled at the end
    ["You will be next too."]

    Not hours later did they hear
    ["What? What is that!?"]
    Shrieks of fear

    Another scream of Bloody-Mary in the night
    A figure fleeing from the scene; a girl took flight

    A path lay behind her of one no one could decipher
    Evidence cleared, they'd never suspect her

    More of the deceased, found abundant each dark, grim night
    Inside the girl, the voices took over anything innocent or good-given light

    The girl realized she was beginning to lose control
    Soon she'd be no more

    Those voices; the lurking shadows
    ["What's going on? Why do I feel so-so-so wrong!?"]

    {"Do not fear my precious, for we are here."}
    They spoke so soft and dear

    She knew she was mad
    For they spoke of one last demand

    {"Destroy the chains that bound you captive."}
    She knew the voice that hissed, the one hidden among such deep mist.

    {"To be free you must kill those who defy thee!"}
    Maniacal laughter filled her mind, she was no more herself, nor mine, my or me!

    She understood of whom they spoke
    Her mother and father, oh how her heart broke!

    [Do it! Do it!] She could hear
    She wanted them gone; her mind clear!

    To her room she fled
    And there is where she bled

    A storm rumbled
    As her last words, ["I'm sorry,"] were mumbled

    Found in a puddle of blood on the floor
    How her parents cursed themselves poor

    The voices were gone
    They disappeared at Dawn

    A knife was found underneath her bed
    Her room a haven for her to lay dead

    Her blood gleamed upon the blade
    Of death, she was not afraid

    Before she left the earth for good
    She reached out to her parents for they misunderstood

    The girl made sure they knew
    She died willingly to save them, then bid adieu

    This death would be worthwhile
    For on her pale face was the first and last small, real smile.