• You say that when I hold you, you melt away.
    When I hold you, your worries are kept at bay.
    For me, will you please do the same?
    Free me from all that fear, guilt, and blame?
    Even a protector wants to feel secure,
    To the burden of what we do, feeling safe is the cure.
    I've mended hearts, given people hope,
    And helped those in tough times to cope.
    Could you do the same for me?
    Clear the path so I may see?

    For you I don't know what to sacrifice,
    I've never even given you any advice.
    When I am sad, you are there,
    Telling me how much you care.
    If I were swallowed up in the darkness of night,
    I know you'd be there, holding me tight.
    When I tried to let you go,
    You let me try, which let me know,
    That your love for me is more than I though.
    In pure awe of your love I am caught.

    You say that in all that I do,
    I have already proven my love to you.
    However, I say "nay."
    While you have proven your love to me every day,
    I've never even shown any proof once.
    I feel like a dunce.
    You would have told me your feelings for me,
    If I had given you proof for you to see,
    That I love you.
    Now I wonder, to create that proof, what should I do?

    I'm sorry for having broken your heart,
    I had always loved you from the start.
    The day I met you I knew we would be,
    A premonition had shown that to me.
    I shouldn't have lied to myself saying I love him instead,
    But the thought that you're too good for me danced in my head.
    Love picked up and put us together,
    Giving a depressed young soul an abettor.
    When you do things I would normally abhor,
    Those actions become things I simply adore.

    You are somewhat different than the guy I first met,
    Those changes were for me I bet.
    Have I changed too?
    Have I done things to make myself better for you?

    You hold me and I'll hold you.
    Let's together show this world what we can do.