• Over There our troops are Over There

    First tour, second tour, third tour with strength and courage they go Over There.

    Making sacrifices Over There while we are Over Here living our lives.

    When all they truly want is a small piece of home and to know they are loved, supported and appreciated while they are Over There.

    Over Here there is team of Angels who ensures that they receive a piece of home and know that they are loved, supported and appreciated while they are Over There.

    Over Here we experience our own each individual difficulty. Over There some may experience the joy of a thankful child. Over There some may experience things that no one person can imagine. Over There some may pay the ultimate sacrifice.

    When it comes time for them to return from Over There to Over Here they deserve the respect and gratitude for the sacrifices that they endured.

    Over There, Over Here our troops should always feel that they are loved, supported and appreciated…….