• To look at him and feel time stand still
    Wishing that there was more time
    Praying time would stand still for only one moment.
    To look at him and feel confusion
    Unable to decipher the heart.
    Is it love? Or merely a reaction?
    He show respect but no of fear
    A shoulder to lean on
    A reminder that it’s okay to relax
    To have fun
    How can one say they are in love?
    If one has never experienced this feeling
    Love, it is called, then how do they know
    Love is what they feel?
    How many make that mistake?
    Proclaiming something they do not understand?
    How many make the mistake of silence?
    Perhaps it is this emotion of love they feel
    But unsure, silence overcomes them.
    Love is a word often tossed about
    Few use it with meaning
    Less understand the word
    It is not a thing of stories
    Poets and authors have written of it for years.
    Life however is much more complex
    Barriers on every path
    Rejection lurking in the dark unknown
    Waiting to devour hope and the broken hearted.
    To look at him and feel sorrow
    Overcome, wanting to cry
    Realizing in only a short time the paths will part.
    To see him and force a smile
    Unwilling to cause waves, to allow the worries to be portrayed
    Understand it was inevitable, perhaps for the best.
    Time stands still for no one
    It continues forward as we must
    Paths cross, the length unknown
    When it’s time to part remember how he changed you
    Grab the moment while you can
    Express gratitude
    Remember forever the lessons learned
    Paths cross and separate
    Perhaps one day the paths will cross again.