• with these words in due time
    to pray, i whisper the absurd
    not to trick nor hide
    but to soothe what's inside

    with these words i shall say
    dismay the being flipped side
    of that card the jackal's bounty
    disturbed in rested mind

    with these words i shall hide
    the rot of swords blight
    dampened by the crimson glow
    what time to be of crescent light

    with these words i shall fall
    cluttered by downed clouds
    under mound of saddened frowns
    nor around to bring a crowd

    with these words none will follow
    nigh of honed sight
    the blind will lead with might
    going white haired in fright

    with these words i shall soar
    high above the sky we fly
    tied to the heaven's flight
    it's beating wings lifting up

    which words is the may
    coming among heaving heart
    under sighing breathe
    the words flow out with ease
    but at that time none will believe
    with cunning words bound to see