• Greenish-grey stormclouds
    gathered above
    rain falls
    soaking the thirsty plants
    the sun tries to shine out from behind the clouds
    but it can't make it through
    for it is may
    and this is the time when the lightning comes
    Bluish-white bolts sent from the heavens
    to strike trees daring to grow too tall
    gusts of wind churn through the bows of the trees
    a branch falls to the ground
    ending the misery of a drowning ant
    now the winds are still
    the clouds fade too
    revealing the cerulean skies
    the oceans of the air
    seas of clouds glide over the lands
    to bring about
    in another place
    the time when the lightning comes
    clouds undulate as they float over mountains
    soaring higher than ever before
    untold power crackling inside their misty bellies
    the light of the sun rapidly fades
    as the leeward sides of the mountains are covered
    with a silky blanket of fog
    light zephyrs spin the mist into ghostly figures
    the spectres seem to reach towards the clouds
    wind sends the phantoms back into the ether
    from whence they came
    the storm moves onward
    heightens its pace
    the leaves of the trees in some far-off land
    turn themselves around to catch the rain
    the first drops of that life-giving fluid
    hurl themselves against the ground
    which rapidly absorbs the moisture
    roots greedily steal the moisture from the dirt
    refusing to give it back
    but soon the dirt has more rain than it needs
    what was just prior a staple of life
    rapidly becomes a herald of death
    aggravated by the harsh pounding of the rain
    the soil looses its hold
    is swept up in the rising tide of destruction
    until it reaches a crecendo of chaos
    transient streams form in meadows of grass
    carrying various twigs leaves and dust
    an earth-shattering crack fills the air
    sending booming shockwaves in all directions
    for this is the time when the lightning comes
    the tree catches fire
    the air fills with smoke
    but the storm moves onward
    uncaring of the destruction it has wraught
    a force unstoppable
    by land or by sea
    by mountain by valley
    by building or tree
    the storm moves ever onward
    to the place of its choosing
    to bring to some distant place
    the time when the lightning comes.