• Make lies seem like the truth
    Turn around then point and laugh
    To my face you seem to smile
    And you have that friendly persona...

    I know the truth
    The truth is you lie to my face
    And my smile dims...

    A knife
    Goes through my heart and deepens my wounds
    With every lie I hear...

    All your words are made of plastic
    And I was stupid enough to buy them...

    No one has a reason to be fake
    You are who you are
    So why pretend?

    The lies I hear about me
    I know aren't true
    And being judgemental about someone else
    Appearance or personality
    Is just a waste of time...

    Shut your mouth and look in your mind
    Think for a second
    Who's going to change for your words?

    Why waste your breath putting someone else down?
    For entertainment or laughs?
    People die from hurtful words...

    These words put ropes around necks
    Put pills in someone's mouth
    Or knives on their necks and wrists...

    There's a possibility you're killing someone
    So the question remains
    Why spread the lies?