• Evoke an emotion?
    Rhythm and rhyme?
    Mood or tone?
    Beat and meter time?

    What the hell; who says a poem needs to have perfection, no imperfections, with rhyming sense and
    Who made poems so draft and ugly, stuck up with fancy, this fluffy symbolism and dreary consonance, assonance, meanings, point in being.

    And then there's goddamn E.E Cummings, free verse Whitman, and super scary Poe. Where's my freedom? Where's MY VOICE. Rap Star Eminem, haughty Shakespeare, melodious pop-stars and opera singers.

    Everyone overshadows me, because my poems are imperfect. Flawed and dumb.

    I'm only but one person in a virtual site, writing teeny tiny words for a teeny tiny audience. It's not like anyone cares, and if you do, it's not like you are reading this carefully. You're looking for another Dickinson, or perhaps another Frost. Maybe I sound like a Keats? Free and disobedient? Wistful Hughes or neo-classical Milton? My words are overshadowed by the millions of famous writers who made their style the medium of all poems. Great, now i sound like another Ginsberg. Free verse, lyrical!

    And what do the people want to know. They want to enjoy and like only that they understand.


    Get over it. It's my poem.

    Go Gimme that 1 star. Actually, not like you care. You just click 1 star for no good reason

    Just Because You Can

    And besides, this wasn't a good poem anyways.