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How many people just poll for the money?
  gurgle no
  *runs around hitting people with a notebook* o_O
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:53 am
((i would like character sheets, but they aren't required))
1. NO powerplaying- UNLESS you check with every person rping if it is ok for a short time, like, if you swallow some potion or other
2. NO godmoding a person's character- UNLESS the person asks you to.
3. please, i am not one for mush, please keep it to PG-13
4. i'd like at least 3 lines in any given post if possible. if it is only dialoge, i'll accept 2
*new* 5.please don't ask questions like, 'where are you going with this' it really rubs me in the wrong way, aka, driving me insane.

count up your points and put them at the bottom of each post for ease.

name: Makenna
race: Hex mage slime, but due to a potion gone awry, she has shapeshifting powers, but can't transform more than twice in an hour
description: will be revealed in the roleplay

Makenna: she was slouched over her spellbook, clearly asleep with her long brown tresses flowing over the book. She stirred and let out a large yawn, glancing at the time potion, "9 Am already?!" she cried, racing out the door, her red and gold robes fluttering behind her. On her way out, she grabbed her gnarled staff with her pendant swinging from it. She tossed the pendant, which had a blue subtance whirling inside along with a few hues of green, silver, and very light purple. the pendant she never went anywhere without, it gave her her powers. she ducked under the overhanging braqnches, leaving the forest where her home was, mutteringto herself, "stupid, stupid, stupid! the market closes in half an hour! oh, and i have so many things to pick up! dragonswart, newt's mite, fire forge, shape shims! oh chinklesnort, why TODAY?!" She ran on, muttering, weaving her hair inot a vast number of braids with magic as she went.
Makenna arrived at the town square of Beirton, just as the stalls were closing, "Wait! please! i need to finish this potion before noon or-" she stopped as the spell regent supply's manager sheut the door in her face.
"Come back next wendsday you beggar!" the man rudely shouted
She sat down, hopeless, thinking to herself, oh why today? why me?! chealasa is not going to be happy! this moon phase is the only time she can evolve!. Chealasa was her wyvern chick, which will stay an adult wyvern after his or ehr moon phase has passed if not evolved into a dragon, although they were just as smart, no matter how old, Chealasa felt in need of a better body after a hundred years. she glumy got up and began to walk back twords the center of the square where the overpriced spell shop was, as she was poor, she did not have nearly enough money for all she needed, barely enough sappire chips, the currency used world wide, to pay for the things at the market. she cursed, muttering how if she had gotten here sooner, she could have evolved Cheal, as she called the wyvern, and she could have used her dragon's nose to sniff out huge deposits of sapphire chips, and she wouldn't have to preform tricks for kids to make a living.

***total sentences=13***total points=2.6***  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:52 pm
Ooh!! Makenna as in, uh... Goblin's Wood or something? With the red stone on the cover?  



PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:18 pm
Pooka smiled to himself as he lay about the pumpkins in the field. He sure was a trouble maker, what with all his tricks in the past Halloween. In fact, he was in the middle of one now.

His eyes fixed on the cottage nearby. At long last, the door swung open and a slime wearing an odd hat hopped out. Sweetie, the pumpkin farmer's daughter. She carried a basket laiden with flowers.

Wait!! he thought angrily. That was supposed to be her dad... I don't want to play the trick on her... As she neared him, he knew he had no choice...

Calmly approaching the pumpkin field, Sweetie day-dreamed, the image of a handsome blue slime smiling at her in the market repeating over and over. As she happened upon the scarecrow, she dropped her basket nearby and giddily hoisted herself up onto the fence and, er, hugged it. "Scarmish, yer my best friend. Whad'ya think I shou' do 'bout that guy in the 'ket?"

His painted face smiled down at her, but remained silent. Sweetie sighed. "Yer right. He was prolly just bein' polite..." She hopped down, and snatched her basket into her arms. ((ARMS?))

Staring at the pumpkins, she thought she saw something move. "Pesky maggots..." Then, she noticed that one of the pumpkins had eyes.

"UWAGH!!" she screamed, throwing her basket into the air.

Pooka leapt out of the field. "Scared yeh, did'n I?" He then proceeded into rolling about.

Sweetie glared down at him. "Look wha' yeh did teh me flowehs!!" she exclaimed, stomping her feet.

Pooka glanced up. "Sweetie, I presume..." He turned and rolled his eyes. He hated being polite. "Name's Pooka. Call meh Pooks or Pookie an' I'll 'ave ter kill yeh!!"

She seemed to stifle a giggle.

"Wha'? Yeh think I'm some crazeh guy?"

Sweetie grinned. "Oh, I know yer some crazeh guy!!" She turned to go, but paused. "Yer name is Pooka, right?" He nodded. "Oh, okies..." She dashed away from him.

Pooka blinked. He couldn't have... no, it wasn't possible!! But, he knew it was true.

He had developed a crush on the girl.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:24 am
(( yeah, i liked the name. oand the book! razz smile ))

Makenna heard a scream like noise, andgot up, muttering, "oh dear, not again, i bet that troublemaker is scaring sweetie. she tiredly got up and headed tword the sound, as everyone usually called for her when help was neded because she was cheap. She began to hurry and run, in case it was something worse than a surprise, "POOKA! IF YOU ARE CAUSING TROUBLE AGAIN I AM GOING TO WRING YOUR NECK! I HAVE ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH WITHOUT BABYSITTING YOU!!!" She hurried along the path to sweetie's cottage. She had aquired rather a liking for Pooka, but that didn't stop her from being so mad that now, of all times was when he chose to pull a prank. { ARGH! now i can't make it to the next town's market in time to get my chealasa to evolve!} she had just arived in the pumpkin patch, now very crestfallen. Seeing what had been going on, she got very angry and began to yell, "POOKA! I SHOULD GO HOME RIGHT NOW- NO, I SHOULD CALL CHEALASA RIGHT NOW AND HAVE HER CARRY YOU OFF! SHE ALREADY KNOWS IT IS YOUR FAULT I AM HERE AND NOT IN ANOTHER TOWN GETTING THE INGREDIENTS WE NEED FOR HER TO EVOLVE! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG WE HAVE BEEN SAVING OUR MONEY?! AND STILL WE ONLY HAVE BARELY ENOUGH TO PAY FOR THEM! ONE CENT LESS, AND WE WOULDN'T!" she continued to rant, letting all her feelings out in one fell swoop. this town was the only one who knew about Cheal, as if the others had found out about the wyvern, she would be taken away, as she was one of the last of her very rare race. She would not let that happen ever since her sister, Gwynnia had been taken by the greedy king, and had promptly comitted suicide, because she had been kep in a cage the size of an outhouse.. well, technically it WAS an outhouse. she, of course, had moved almost before the wyvern had gotten to the capital, and thus saved herself and Cheal from the same fate.
As she finished ranting, her face was red, and she felt a bit sizzy from yelling so much, then demanded, " WELL WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?!" a thought struck her, { Cheal!} she called to her with mind speech, {can you lend me enough power to make a copy of myself to get the ingredients?}
Cheal, who had been sulking in her exremely large tree house, designed to accomidate even the largest of dragons, for no one ever knew how big a dragon would beafter it evolved, suddenly became very excited, { of course!!!}
Makenna felt a rush of power, and cast the spell, a duplicate appeared next to her, she told it the instructions, never turning her eyes away from the troublemaker, pooka, and handed the 'clone' the sapphire chips, who promptly shape shifted to a griffyon, a common species around this area, and flew off to the next town's market to gather the spell regents.
She then tapped her foot, awaiting a response, now feeling much happier,but not letting it show, remaining with an unpleased and angry countenance and demeanor, glaring at him.

toal sentences: 11 toal points:2.2
points in all: 4.8  



PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 4:53 pm
Pooka sulked as Makenna shouted at him. "I'm sorreh, Maks!! Trulleh me is!!" He had been repetitively scolded for his bad grammar and pronunciation, but when he was excited or nervous it tended to escape.

Then, she doubled before his eyes. Her double transformed into a winged beast and flew away, after it was handed something. "Stupeh magic..." he grumbled.

As soon as she wasn't within earshot, Sweetie let out a laugh. She couldn't hold it in. When she was put in such circumstances, she became giddy, and had to bite her tongue in order to keep a deadpan expression. A troublemaker, eh? she thought. Wonder what that was all about...

She could hear Makenna, the hex mage slime, shouting at him. Poor guy, she giggled. Makie's fury is felt deep inside!!

Suddenly, Pooka himself came tearing down the lane towards her. "Please!!" he cried. "She fright'ns me sometimes!! An'... she used magic... creepeh magic..." He collapsed at her feet, coughing.

Sweetie's eyes widened. "Whoa, whoa!! Calm down, Pooks," she teased. "Makenna ain't scareh."

Pooka groaned as he pulled himself to his feet. "Easeh fer you teh say..." Inhospitable much? he wondered incredulously. "She likes YOU!!"

The girl smiled down at him, her eyes like two moons. "Why? Is it 'cause I don't make trouble?"

Pooka blushed, and knew he would kick himself for it forever. "I guess..."

Get a hold of yourself, man!!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:49 am
makenna: She grumbled loudly, "My name is MAKENNA! get it right!" Watching pooka run, she smiled right after he was out of sight Cheal's going to evolve after all! she could have leapt for joy, but didn't, she didn't want to be heard. Stepping over and listening to the conversation, she said, "illusions can work wonders, can't they?" She snapped her fimgers, muttering, and the illusion that she had been standing there all this time faded. "creepy magic, eh?" a light sparkled and danced in her eyes," at least i don't go jumping out of pumpkin patches." she momentarily blushed, but tried to brush it off by coughung as soon as she felt her face getting warm. Suddenly, her clone returned with a bulging sack, vanishing after she set it down. Makenna smiled," have either of you ever seen a wyvern evolve?" she picked up the heavy sack, intending to lead pooka and sweetie to chealasa's tree house.
she said after going a few paces away," I've heard tell that it is really quite spectacular!" Cheal's enthusiasm spread quickly over their mental link, making makenna giddy. She began to laugh at every little thing, even while shouting into thin air, " Ceal! calm down already! you're making me look like a complete and utter- hehehe- fool!" wyvern laughter simply echoed around as cheal's way of saying, 'Spoil sport!' and makenna just laughed involuntarily more and more as she walkeds to the treehouse, explaining and apoligizeing about Chealasa all the way. She stumbled serveral times,and lay there giggling hard, while yelling at cheal, who was fairly close now.
Cheal just laughed in her wyvern ish way and themped her tail, more excited than ever, and making makenna the same way; there was even a point near the end of her walking where she had to crawl for giggling.

sentences:12 points: 2.2
***total points***



PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:50 pm
Pooka was silent. "Uh... right." He watched the giddy witch slime for a while, than turned back to Sweetie. "So, y' up fer this... 'volvin'?"

She nodded.

Pooka blinked. "Y' seem nervous, w' dis 'ole 'silence' ding."

She was still silent. But, she turned and laughed after a moment, saying, "Sorry, can' beh ser'ous fer too long..."

He looked for something to focus his mind on. "Uh... so Maks-er, Makenna... Wha' is 'volvin' todah?"

Sweetie's emotions swam. Do I like him? she wondered. No... But I think Makenna does. Or maybe she just likes him...

She turned to smile at Pooka. "So, y'up fer this?" she teased. She didn't really have an accent, bur you learned to use them these days.

He nodded, and her brain went into a tizzy again. Jeez...

PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:45 pm
makenna: she kept fighting not to laugh, failing miserably, and laughing all the more at the result- a very strange face. she said,"my wy-hahha!-vern." She blushed deeply, embarassed at her behavior and showing it in front of poka ans sweetie. She began yelling at Chealasa to calm down all the way into the tree house, but cheal only thumped her tail, jumping around, eyes sparkling, nudging makenna to the cauldron.

she spoke into the other slimes' minds, {she's always so serious! she needs to lighten up.. a bit more. don't you think?} A burst of energy went to makenna, who ended up rolling around on the floor laughing so hard it hurt her and she was crying. Cheal saw that though, and withdrew herself, saying to makenna, "Hurrrrry up!" in her seemingly rough wyvern's voice. when she evolved, she would sound much better, "oh, i hope i will be a emerrrrald drrrragon! they arrrre just so beautiful! have you everrrrrr seen one?"

getting herself together, she glared at cheal, shaking her fist, "you ever do that again, and i'll put you in silver! i have half a mind not to let you evolve!" Silver was very painful to dragons and wyverns, but much more so to wyverns, as dragons feel it only as a small prickle, wyverns feel it like being encased in knives.

cheal quickly sobered at this, "you wouldn't!" then said, "no, i am not going to try you, i know you would." She shivered and subsided.

Makenna brushed of her robes, trying to regain some dignity, but she was blushing, and completely filthy from rolling around, laughing, and it was a very awkward situation. She turned, and began to put in the spell ingredients, thankful that they were all intact.

points: 3.3
total points:
10.3 ((yay! half way to the slime i want! of course that isn't the reason i rp, it IS a big plus though! ^^)) blaugh

((edit by dragon bound: Please only add points for the post you are counting. Adding total earned points confuses me to no end.))  



PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:25 am
Pooka shook his head. "I dunno 'bout you, but dis is too much fer meh..." He rolled into the corner and closed his eyes. Sweetie pleaded him to watch, but he shrugged. "Nah..."

Sweetie groaned and turned back to Makenna. "So, what is she evolving into exactly?" She had the basic idea, but it wasn't enough. Sweetie was a curious slime by nature.

Turning back to the already dozing Pooka, she frowned. Party Pooper!!

Pooka dreamt that he was surrounded by evil magic users. Hes houted at them, and tried to make them leave, but they just stood there, looking creepy.

"c** 'n, I'll watch da stupeh dragon den..." He hoisted himself to his feet. "Happeh? Is dat whut y'all wan'?"

One nearby shook his shoulder. "Dun be sayin' such silleh thin's... Wake up!! Wake up!!"

Pooka snapped awake, confused, and found Sweetie shaking his shoulder. "Wake up!! Wake up!!" she cried.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 3:13 pm
makenna: now that cealasa had clamed down, she was smoothing her hair out, still rather anoyyed, but noticably happy about the question, "She should evolve into a drag- oh my!" The potion had just gone dark brown, makenna frowned, turning to cheal, "well?"

Cheal drooped at the murky potion, "oh dearrrrrrrr, i don't want to be a brrrrrrown drrrrrragon, they are everrrrrrr so unattrrrrrrractive- WAIT! MAKENNA! LOOK! IT'S CHANGING!" She began to thump her tail and shift from paw to paw, stopping at a sharp glance from makenna.

"I know, but- What?" she looked, it was indeed changing color. The potion roiled and frothed, changing to a lovely emerald green, sparkling like it was infused with stardust. Feeling cheal grow excited, she looked and said, "Stop that! i know you're trying to pour your emotions into me, and if you do that once more today, i shall make sure the potion is one that turns you into a Ferret!" Makenna didn't mean this, of course, but cheal knew her too well to push her limits. she walked up, touching the surface, "ugh, i don't want to do this ever again. See, you have to drink the amount that will coat your palm to stay bonded to the wyvern after it evolves into a dragon. i can't imagine this tasted very good." She licked the potion off her hand, grimancing from the taste and the fact it burned- Burned like dragon-fire. her face went all green and scaly for the breifest of seconds, then she shoved the pot to cheal,"my, that must do something to me too! i feel MUCH stronger!" It was true, she had been a very weak slime previously, now, she felt like she could conquer the world, but in truth was only a bit stronger than a normal slime now.

Cheal eagerly glomped over to the potion, drawing back as it burned her throat. Something changed suddenly, cheal began to glow a blinding green, and makenna had too, they both began to rise, "m-m-makk-kk-enna? what's happening, why are w-w-we glowing?"

Makenna sounded a bit scared too," i'm not sure, but, oh, its fading!" They had stoped glowing for an instant, then a burst of light, and the fell to the ground, but there was no wyvern there. where cheal had stood moments before lomed a great emerald dragon, scales sparkling like a thousand stars. Makenna quietly stared, awed, "wow..." she said quietly, "i read about it, but i never thought it would be so spectacular!"

Cheal looked around, starry-eyed, "wow, why is everything so sharp and detailed?" She looked down, and realized she was much taller, and a deep dazzleing rich green. she yelped, but it was more of a roar, and a thin jet of flame came our of her mouth. Cheal cringed as she watched makenna dodge it. "um... sorry? Oh makenna! thanks! I didn't think you'd let me evolve for a minute there! and look! i'm a pretty green dragon now!"

Makenna dodged, saying to the other slimes, "you can never tell what mood she will be in, sometimes like a little kid, others like a great wise sage." She made a face at the scorched floorboads, waving her hands in intricate signs, she said, "Fincaryane" and the spot began to fade. she looked at sweetie and pooka waiting for a response, probably quesions.

points: 5.4
total points:16.2  



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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:10 pm
Race:Magic Slime(Can use any magic)And after many years of training she is a master of all magigic
Description:She is a normal size blue slimebut is very wise and has many secrets.They know how old she,and but not where she came from.She is around about 25 and is the head magic teacher at the school and knows everyone.

Rashike was walking out side just mindeing her own business but When she saw a light from Makenna's house she stoppedand went to knock on the door.When she got there she knocked and said"Hello Makenna what are you doing in there? I won't tell if you tell me.I'm good at keeping secrets you know.I'm telling the truth."

((edit by dragon bound: Please tally RP points in each post yourself so I can gather them.))  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:12 pm
((we're in a treehouse. o_O))

makenna: "uhm..." she glanced at cheal, saying through their link, "hide- now.} She tuned to the teacher again, "Nothing, i was trying a new potion is all, supposed to...." she hesitated, making a good lie, "let you see in the dark. we had the treehouse windows draped, but i had been experementing, and......... something went wrong. Ask sweetie, pooka had his eyes closed. There was a lot of wind, and i had to.... cast a spell and remove the drapes." She did not want anyone else to know, she had been betrayed once before in another town, much like this one, lost a very important freind. Throwing a sidelong glance to sweeitie and pooka, full of meaning, she asked a question. "How did you jet up the ladder? Did i forget to lock it?" She glanced about, then rushed over to her shelf, coming back with a handful of powdered dragon's wart. "I have been trying to find out what this was good for, but my text is very patchy. Do you have any idea? Oh, do you know where to get Firefern Escence? i can never seem to find any, and i have a nasty... termite problem in the backyard's barn where i store my food, they say it is the best thing to get rid of them." Makenna led her over to the other side of the treehouse, taking her to a seperate potion regent shelf that she kept there. She continued to chatter about potion ingredients, trying to distract the girl. {Cheal! can you still use magic?} she feverently asked cheal, hoping she doesn't seem too nervous, but she had begun sweating already.

{i-i think so! yes, yea, here, i'm a fly now, wow, i didn't know i could do that! i guess that i have more powers than before, well, a lot more than just being invisible/intangible now; i wonder what else i got!} Sure enough, a moment later a green fly landed on makenna's shoulder.

total:20 (HUZZAH! I have enough points to get the slime i want!) (oh, i changed over a few posts ago, forgot to mention, now each tenth is going to be one sentence, check if you like.)  



Distinct Browser

5,700 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:48 pm
Rashike:"Oh no. I'm not going to fall for this.Also I jumped up here, and you did lock up the ladder.I told you,you can tell me anything."she then looked at her straight in the eye."Now tell me. Or I'll just take a look inyour tree house."She then made a clicking noise with her mouth and she was in makenna's house.Then starting to look around"Hmm I think I'll look around for a bit."as she looked around she thought of her old home.It looked exactly like this."Hey Makenna. Are you hiding something?"Turning torwards the door waiting for her to come in.  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:44 am
makenna: she stepped out of the other room back twords the blue teacher, her face turning a very deep scarlet. she gave a visibly false smile, and said, just a bit too fast, "Umno, whydo youask?" She glanced visibly at the florescent green fly on her shoulder. { Can't you DO anything about that color? flies aren't neon green, you know!!!!} Her face flushed even deeper, edging on maroon, hoping the slime before her wasn't as sharp witted as most people said she was.

{No!} cheal said impishly, ( I like this color!!!) buzzing out of range if Makenna decided to slape her for that last comment, accidentally stopping just in front of the blue slime's face, losing her form in fear and surprise.
She thought to herself, {just like when makenna used to jump when i pounced on her from the rafters!} then her eyes widened as she realized that there was no way the blue slime could put this down to a dream, as her paw had landed on the girl when she lost the form. Cheal winced, and closed her eyes, hearing makenna curse in Welvedon, the language of the elves. she swallowed, and opened one huge eye that was a rippiling green and very deep, even though she was young. Her scales sparkled all too brightly in the glare of the sunlight.

Makenna Yelled, rather too loudly, "NO!............... GRAFTES!" now turning a Decidedly maroon color, she rushed over, knocking over several vases on the way, and closed the window.

points: 2.1
total sad let me get this minus the kagesmusha slime i ordered...)



PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 5:41 pm
(( Sorry, Rosalie!! I'm taking a Silky Slimes hiatus... ))  
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