I am in the process of making my charity into a guild as well as have my thread. The charity guild will be for updates and things that will be in my thread. I need some help. Here is a list of things needed.

I need someone who is good at writing and wording things. This person/s needs to be able to read my charity and transfer information over. Not just copy and paste, but rewrite it so the guild is not an exact replica of the thread. They need to be organized and able to give descriptions for each sub-forum and be able to bounce ideas with me. I will tell the person what needs to be in each forum and then it is up to them to create it if need be. I will pay between 10k-20k depending on how much help you give me and how well things are done. If each subforum is done exactly how I like it I will give the person 5k per subforum completed. You will need to be able to take minimal information and expand on it with my help. Pm me if you are interested.