Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:05 am
Test's Taken
Care of Magical Creatures ~ Completed Ghost and Ghoul Studies ~ Completed Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ Completed Charms ~ Completed Potions ~ Completed Transifiguration ~ Completed Defense Against the Dark Arts~ Completed
Test's Opted Out
Alchemy ~ EE Iñigo always took a liking of the class taught by his head of house, due to the fact that he had wide respect for the history behind and quintessential pursuit of Alchemy. That being said, because of his affinity for everything about Alchemy, and his studying habits towards, this translated over in this O.W.L. He kept his head and remembered everything, due to how much relevance the information was to him personally.
Divination ~ EE This class was a personal favorite, taught by one of his favorite professors, Drusilla Somerset. He always studied hard, in hopes to maybe learn how to use his inner eye better, or at least, make it project a little more vividly when it came, instead the usual random symbols. He also always applied himself in this class, participating and asking as many questions as he possibly could. But, he didn't do perfectly, because to receive a perfect grade, one must be perfect and he wasn't perfect of course...just very good.
Wizard Law ~ A Iñigo was okay at best, nor did his memory serve him well. He did remember all of the multiple choice, but he didn't do as well on the part where he had to give an opening statement, mainly because he didn't remember the little details that could have got him an EE, like speech confidence, projection, and a few of the points in which he presented hadn't been as 'strong' as they probably should've been. So, because of his 'okay' performance on this part, he received an 'A'.
Astronomy ~ A This was yet another O.W.L in which his memory did not serve him. He had underestimated this O.W.L and went into it without studying hard. He had thought he knew it, but he got a little over-confident in his knowledge of this class, causing him to miss a few questions. He was average only because he had performed rather impressively on the hands-on portion of the test. He found that part rather easy, it was just the the random little things in which his memory eluded him.
History of Magic ~ EE This had not been his best subject going into the test and the fact that he recognized that was the part that saved him believe it or not. He had studied extremely hard because of this, knowing how bad his memory was(which may have drew some of the studying away from the subjects that he thought he knew and had memorized). And he had received a grade that came as a little surprise to him. And the epiphany that maybe the reason for his horrid memory was that he wasn't studying enough.
Herbology ~ A Iñigo was okay at best at Herbology, mainly because yes, he knew that he might come across needing it at a later time, but he never studied majorly hard for this subject. He wasn't a slacker by any means, but he didn't put all of his time into this subject because the fact he was so worried about others...such as History of Magic and Alchemy. He wasn't bad enough to fail however, for he was still intelligent and could get through some of the questions based on his own common sense.
Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:36 am
Alchemy ~EE Astronomy ~A Care of Magical Creatures ~O Charms ~O Defense Against the Dark Arts ~O Divination ~EE Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~EE Herbology ~A History of Magic ~EE Potions ~EE Transfiguration ~O Wandless Magic Practice Class ~O Wizard Law ~A