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Reply Quidditch Pitch
How to Play Quidditch (Updated 07/19/2023)

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Liberal Lunatic

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:52 am
W h a t x i s x Q u i d d i t c h ?

Quidditch is a wizarding sport played on broomsticks by teams of seven players. It's the most popular and well-known game among the wizarding community.

The object of the game is to score more points than your opponents. Each goal scored is worth ten points, and catching the elusive Golden Snitch is worth one-hundred and fifty points. The game can only end with the catching of the snitch, or more rarely, when the captains of both teams agree to a tie. This is typically only allowed after both teams have exhausted their players and it is no longer safe to play.

Some games can go on for many days if the snitch is not caught. The record, according to Quidditch Through the Ages, was six months (although it ended after no one caught the snitch).

Players of the Game

* The Keeper guards the Goal posts,

* The three Chasers score goals with the Quaffle by tossing it into one of the opposing team's three goal posts,

* The two Beaters keep the Bludgers away from their team and hit the bludgers towards the opposing team,

* The Seeker catches the Golden Snitch.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:55 am
G a m e x R u l e s

Rules of the Game

1. Players must not stray over the boundary lines of the pitch, although they may fly as high as desired. The Quaffle must be surrendered to the opposition if any player leaves the boundary (it is unknown what the penalty is if a player on defense leaves the pitch).

2. 'Time out' may be called at any time by the Captain of a team. Time out may be extended to two hours if a game has already lasted for more than twelve hours. Failure to return to the pitch after this time will lead to the team being disqualified.

3. Penalties can be awarded to teams by the referee. A single Chaser may take the penalty by flying from the central circle towards the scoring area. The opposing team's Keeper may attempt to stop the shot being scored, but all other players must not interfere (it is unknown if the seeker may still attempt to catch the snitch while a penalty is being attempted).

4. Contact is allowed, but a player may not seize hold of another player's broomstick or any part of their anatomy.

5. No substitution of players is allowed throughout the game, even if a player is too injured or tired to continue to play, unless there are reserve players present.

6. Players may take their wands onto the pitch, but they must not be used on or against any players, any players' broomsticks, the referee, any of the four balls, or the spectators.

7. A game of Quidditch will only end once the Golden Snitch has been caught, or at the mutual consent of both team Captains.

List of Fouls

Blagging: No player may seize any part of an opponent's broom to slow or hinder the player

Blatching: No player may fly with the intent to collide

Blurting: No player may lock broom handles with the intent to steer an opponent off course

Bumphing: Beaters must not hit Bludgers towards spectators

Cobbing: Players must not use their elbows against opponents

Flacking: Keepers must not defend the posts from behind by punching Quaffles out of the hoops - goals must be defended from the front

Haversacking: Chasers must not still be in contact with the Quaffle as it passes through a hoop

Quaffle-pocking: Chasers must not tamper with the Quaffle in any way

Snitchnip: No player other than the Seeker may touch or catch the Golden Snitch (unknown what would happen if this occured by accident)

Stooging: No more than one Chaser is allowed in the scoring area at any one time  


Liberal Lunatic

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Liberal Lunatic

8,250 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:11 pm
H e r e ' s x y o u r x G e a r

This is the gear of the game. Different positions will handle different gear throughout the gameplay.

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The Standard Uniform
The standard uniform must be worn by all players. Other than their team jersey, this consists of a Cape, Gloves, Shin and Arm Guards, plus Goggles for Rainy or Snowy Conditions.
Players in different positions may use different equipment, listed below.

Add Protective Head and Chest gear

Standard Uniform

Add Bludger Bay and Bat

Swap the gloves for Fingerless Gloves, for the Snitch's Touch Memory
PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:32 pm
H o w x t o x P l a y

General Rules

Editing - You may only edit your post to mark your total rolls and edits such as you forgot to change from 1/3 to 2/3. You can also edit to add a quote if you hit someone/aim

Quoting - Quote when you're aiming at the goals OR when you hit someone. This is a rule to keep the game moving smoothly.

The Dice You'll Use

d20 - Used for all player actions, including shooting, hitting, scoring, and defending.
d10 - Used (x10) to get the quaffle for the initial tossup.

All About AC

AC {Armor Class} is the number that opponents will have to beat in order to make action against you. Everyone starts at a base of 10, then any modifiers and experience add to the number, making it harder to hit or steal from you.

Lives (and how to 1UP)

Every player gets Three lives. You lose a life whenever you get hit by a bludger. You lose three, you're out of the game (probably with a concussion... ouch!). If you get hit, you're allowed to chose where your character gets hit, but do NOT hit the head/face/neck. You'll probably die. Remember, the Bludger is a solid iron ball that weighs about 60 lbs. When traveling fast, it'll snap bones like a cookie.

To gain an extra life, the Dang Healthy Modifier adds +1 life, bringing you to a total of four.

The Six-Hour Rule

The 6-Hr Rule basically exists to prevent the game from being unable to progress. If you post at say, noon, then at 6PM, if the other player hasn't posted, you'll be able to post again.

Now you've got all that, here's how to play all the positions!


The Chasers have three main goals. Get the quaffle, keep the quaffle, and score.

To Get the Quaffle you can do this in two ways.

1) Win the Tossup - Roll 10, 10 sided dice at the beginning of the game (only one chaser per team). *For the tossup, mods do NOT matter* Whomever gets the highest, starts the game with the quaffle. {Fun Fact: if you both roll the same number, the two chasers collide! If this happens, a new chaser from each team must go for tossup.}

2) Steal the Quaffle - if someone on the other team has possession, you can steal the quaffle by rolling 1 20-sided die. If you beat their AC, you take the ball into your team's possession. (Then you can post your 1/3 without waiting) You can also steal during Interceptions. These are between either Keeper and Chaser, or Chaser and Chaser when the ball is being passed. If it is mid-pass, you must beat the AC of the one CATCHING the pass.

To Keep the Quaffle is simple. Make it 3 posts without it getting stolen. Remember, you can use the 6-Hour Rule to your advantage here!

To Shoot the Quaffle, you roll 1 20-sided die ON your 3/3 post. 3/3 = At the goals! Instead of beating the Keeper's AC, you have to beat their roll. If you win, you score. If they win OR there's a tie, they defend the goals and throw to their team.


Beaters are both the enemy and protectors. They hit opponents to weaken them, and defend their teammates to keep them playing. **Remember, after a post you can NOT post the same beater again until the quaffle has moved! The 6-Hour Rule does NOT affect this!**

To Hit you have to roll higher than the target's AC. If you tie, it does not hit.

To Protect you must roll a total of 16. To hit on a defend post, you must both roll higher than 16 AND their AC. (people with AC 16 and under make wonderful targets!)

To Self-Protect you must roll a 19+ (including mods), but cannot aim in the same post.

While protecting the "hit yourself" rule is no longer in function. If you are trying to save and you roll Nat1-3, you aren't injured, but you fail the save.

To Hit... Yourself is when you roll a Natural 1, 2, or 3. Mods don't help here, you just get hit. If you roll like this, NO ONE can defend you, you just lose a life. (Dangers of the job!)

When taking aim, please keep in mind your teammate's targets. You may not both hit the same target. If they miss, you may aim for the same player, however, once they've been hit, you'll need to choose another target. This is to prevent tag-teaming and making it impossible for the other team to defend. In order to aim at that target again, they must have either posted being hit OR be defended from the previous hit.

**Only two players, regardless of team, may be targeted at any one time. This is to make sure everyone can have a chance to be defended... and also because there are only 2 bludgers on the pitch!**


Keepers aren't played as often (and are great for busy people!), since they are only posted when someone's trying to score against them.

Their one job is to protect. After the Chaser has rolled their die, you have to beat it. If you both tie or Keeper wins, no score is made. If the Chaser wins, their team gets the point.

After you either defend or fail the catch, you must post a second time (allowed to be in a row), tossing to one of the Chasers on your team.


Seekers have the most complicated job in the guild, but they have to spot, then catch the ever elusive Snitch.

The Seekers may NOT post more than 3x/hour, doing moreso will be considered spamming. This rule is to allow time for the other players to post. If the game has gone through Friday, the spamming rule is lifted.

To Spot you have to roll your d20 to get a 19 or higher. If you fail you must wait for the other Seeker or the 6-Hour Rule to post again.If you succeed, you must spend 3 posts catching up to the Snitch.

To Catch the Snitch, you must have gotten to 3/3 on the catching up. Once you're there, you begin trying to catch. You get 2 chances to catch. You have to roll a total of 22 or higher to grab it! If you don't roll a 22 in those 2 turns, you have to start the whole mess all over again. Good luck!

If the ref calls a final seeker battle (either when time is running out OR players are unable to continue without forfeit, the 3 posts/hour rule is lifted. If you fail to spot, you now need to spot, then the next roll can be a new set of trying to catch. THIS IS ONLY DURING THE OFFICIAL SEEKER BATTLE TIME, ANY OTHER TIME IT WILL BE CONSIDERED CHEATING.


Liberal Lunatic

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Vampire Toy

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:18 am

Experience Mods:
1-2 years = +1
3-4 years = +2
5-6 years = +3
{Do not add these together}

*1+ Year Experience for Quidditch MTA Skill

Experience adds +1 point to both AC and Skills!

(In order to add these as modifiers, you must have completed the course)
Advanced Flying I = +1
Advanced Flying II = +2 {After AF2 mods can be changed ONCE}

Special Skills:

Sharp Eyes - Seeker +2 for Spotting the Snitch
Natural Flyer - AC Boost +2 for AC
Good Arm - Chaser +2 To Shoot
Mean Swing - Beater +2 to Hit Bludgers
Deft Dodger - AC Boost +2 for AC
Great Catch - Keeper/Seeker +2 to Catch Snitch OR Quaffle
Dang Healthy - Life Boost Gives 1 extra life (Total of 4)
Hold the Line - Keeper +2 to Catching the Quaffle ONLY
Swift Swipe - Chaser +2 to Steal the Quaffle

These SUBTRACT from AC and Mods check the Weather Thread.
Weather Conditions:
Windy, Rain, Snow -1
Thunderstorm, Sleet, Hail -2
For every life lost, add another -1 to all rolls.

Here some ideas for beginning the setup, by position

Keeper: Hold The Line, Great Catch, Natural Flyer/Deft Dodger
Seeker: Sharp Eyes, Great Catch, Natural Flyer/Deft Dodger
Beater: Mean Swing, Dang Healthy, Natural Flyer/Deft Dodger {Also can use Mean Swing, Nat Flyer, and Deft Dodger for double AC boost instead of bonus life}
Chaser: Swift Swipe, Good Arm,Natural Flyer/Deft Dodger
Generic/No Choice: Natural Flyer, Deft Dodger, Dang Healthy
PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:21 am
Q u e s t i o n s x a b o u t x Q u i d d i t c h

If you have any questions, suggestions, or issues with the way something is set up in Quidditch or something just doesn't work, please ask in the Room of Requirement so we can fix it ASAP.

General questions will be posted here.

Answered Questions:

Q: "When I'm a second year, will you be able to reserve a chaser?"

A: "Spots aren't guaranteed. It depends on the captain, team, and activity levels."


Q: "First years cant try out, right?"

A: "They can absolutely try out, however, they may not get the spot if more senior students try out for the same spot."


Q: "How are team captains decided?"

A: "Team Captains will request who they want as VC, and depending on reliability and the rest of the team, they'll be able to select their own Vice Captain, who will take over the team upon the current Captain's graduation."


Q: "There doesn't seem to be enough people in second year and up to make a full Quidditich team for each house. Does this mean that first years will be able to try out for the team?"

A: "That is up to the team captains and whether they are in need of more players in order to play."


((Taken from the FAQ under Room of Requirement))

Q: "How long do I have to wait for someone to respond to my post in a match/practice before I can post again?"

A: "We have a 6+ hours waiting period, if the character hasn't replied to you within six hours of when you originally posted your can post your next move. Otherwise, wait for the other player to post."


Q: "What does Natural Flyer do?"

A: "Natural Flyer is actually a skill that is still under development, but right now, it adds a +2 to your AC. However, once brooms are figured into the game, it will assist with that as well."


Q: "Can I change my skills in Quidditch if I didn't choose good ones/got picked for another position other than the one I wanted?"

A: "The only time stats may be changed is upon successful completion of the class Advanced Flying 2. The Advanced Flying classes teach students about all the positions, therefore making it a time to successfully change stats."


Q: "What does the Quidditch Experience MTA really do?"

A:"The MTA adds an extra year of experience to your character's repertoire. Instead of starting off at 0, they would start at 1 year and they would get the Experience Modifier that goes along with it. This can be given to the children of Pro Quidditch Players, or whose parents work in a field related to Quidditch, that have taught their kids about the game. Remember: MTAs can only be granted to RPers that have been in guild more than 3 months."


Q: "Do the -1 modifiers affect everything, or just your rolls?"

A: "They just affect your modifiers for rolling. Your AC remains the same no matter how many bludgers or what the weather conditions are."  

Vampire Toy

Fashionable Pumpkin

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Cinnabun Gryffie

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 5:23 pm
T r y - O u t s x f o r x C a p t a i n s

Because of the amount of players wanting a specific position on the field, teams should have try-outs on their specific pitch in the Quidditch Pitch Subforum. These typically open up around the time Sorting closes. Captains or Vice Captains should open the thread for the year and allow time for people to post there, along with the try outs form, posted below. Once players are posted, the Captain/VC can set up a mock game for tryouts, based on the chosen positions.

Things to consider when choosing members for your team:

+ Are they active?
+ Did they show up when you requested?
+ Are they getting the hang of the game?
+ Do they play well with the whole team?
+ Can they roleplay?
+ Are they fun to be around?
+ Do they understand the rules and way to play Quidditch?
+ Will they throw a tantrum if they lose? Are given criticism?

Remember, not everyone can be on the team, but try-outs will help separate the best players from the not-so-best. Returning players must still try-out again.

Quidditch Player Form
[b]Username:[/b] xxxxx
[b]Character's Name:[/b] xxxxxx
[b]House:[/b] xxxxxx
[b]Year:[/b] xxxxxxx
[b]Advanced Flying I:[/b] xxxxx
[b]Advanced Flying II:[/b] xxxxx
[b]Years of Previous Quidditch playing:[/b] xx
[b]Any Special Skill:[/b] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[b]First Choice Position:[/b] xxxxxx
[b]Second Choice Position:[/b] xxxxx
Quidditch Pitch

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