Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:46 am
Core Classes xxxxxxx☑ Charms
xxxxxxx☐ Potions - Opting out ; Grade A I'm too lazy to take the NEWT, so yeah. He's good at cooking, but he makes simple mistakes a lot. He isn't studious, per se, but makes the effort to learn the materials taught in his later years. Sadly, the potion tested on the NEWT wasn't one that he explicitly knew, and had to rely on foggy memory. He missed a step towards the end, which luckily resulted in a less serious change in the potion's use.
xxxxxxx☑ Transfiguration
Electives xxxxxxx☑ Art
xxxxxxx☑ Cooking With Magic
xxxxxxx☑ Muggle Art
Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:33 pm
Charms~ O Potions~ A Transfiguration~ A Art~ O Cooking With Magic~ O Muggle Art~ O