Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:20 pm
Tests Taken
Healing(Completed) Defense Against the Dark Arts (Completed) Charms(Completed) Transifiguration (Completed) Herbology(Completed) CurseBreaking(Completed) Mythology(Completed) Wandless Magic Practice Class(Completed) Wizard Law(Completed)
Tests Opted Out Astronomy ~ A Theo, although somewhat okay at Astronomy, did not study for this O.W.L because he felt that he didn't need to. And of course, his overconfidence bit him a bit.
History of Magic ~ A Theo has never been good at History of Magic, pretty much because the fact that the boy absolutely hated the subject and found it extremely boring. But...despite this...before the test, he knew that this wasn't an O.W.L that he could get away without studying and studied pretty well and was able to pull out an A.
Potions ~ EE Potions is one class that Theo did not do well in at times, but he really took a good turn in it during his fifth year because he knew that...as well as History of Magic...this was a class in which he was going to have to study extremely hard. He took about four hours a week to study potions to make sure that he would do well on this O.W.L and got a good score to show for his hardwork.
Alchemy ~ EE This is a subject in which Theo excelled. He loved the subject and always did outside of class studies on it. Despite maybe some of the potions portions maybe overlapping into the course at times, he had a love for the subject because of the challenge that it provided and excelled for that reason.
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:09 pm
Astronomy~ A Charms ~O Defense Against the Dark Arts ~O Herbology ~EE History of Magic ~A Potions ~EE Transfiguration ~O Alchemy ~EE Cursebreaking ~O Healing ~O Mythology~O Wandless Magic Practice Class ~O Wizard Law ~O