xxxC O R Exxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxASTRONOMY ~ Axxx
              ■ Yari liked Astronomy, but didn’t always know the answers. Her biggest thing was knowing that the names of the various Astronomical things would be great names for clothes lines. And the patterns of the planets themselves? Beautiful. She wrote in detail about Neptune’s size and color and it’s beauty.

          xxxCHARMS ~ EExxx
              ■ Yari needed ot know the color changing spells, it was important to be able to change clothes colors at a moments notice. To know how to repair something that was broken if it was cracked. She took her charms lessons and practiced them to know what she needed.

              ■ Yari has to do at least as well, if not better, than echo in at least one of her classes, and that class was DADA. For every hour Echo spent studying, Yari spent 2 so she knew she would know the material. Unfortunately, it was impossible to spend that much time studying for every class - so only DADA got that level of commitment.

          xxxHERBOLOGY ~ Txxx
              ■ Yari should not be expected to get her hands dirty by doing things in herbology - she should be allowed to have someone else do the things, to be her hands while she vocalized what to do. After much time of classes avoiding doing the work, it was safe to say Yari did awful at her actual OWL exam.

          xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC ~ EExxx
              ■ History of Magic? History of Fashion. Yari would associate the various points of history with the fashion of the era, which turned into a pretty efficient study method for memorizing - imaging what the various people of the situations would have been wearing.

          xxxPOTIONS ~ Axxx
              ■ No, the potion wasn’t SUPPOSED to turn that shade, but the shade Yari had created was a much prettier sight to look at. Did it work like it was supposed to? Absolutely not. For the written portion, Yari hated the right answers, but circled them anyways. But honestly, the love potion should create actual love in a person, and maybe adding salamander blood to a polyjuice potion would make it work even better.

          xxxTRANSFIGURATION ~ EExxx
              ■ It was important to be able to transfigure items into needles when the opportunity for sewing arose. For the actual exam, Yari was more than happy to make the kitten disappear - she didn’t need anymore cat fur on her clothes. xx

xxxE L E C T I V E Sxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxARITHMANCY ~ Axxx
              ■ Arithmancy was basically math, Yari loved math - but yari wasn’t good at math. She struggled the entire time in the class to receive a passing grade, and struggled to just barely pass for the OWL as well.

          xxxHEALING ~ Pxxx
              ■Blood. Wounds. All of that? Gross. She answered a handful of questions right, but in general healing was gross, why had she signed up for it anyways?

          xxxWANDLESS ~ Axxx
              ■ Yari really wanted to be semi-decent at wandless, if only so she could summon an item from another room if she needed something while she was otherwise occupied - she could just summon it. It was super useful.

          xxxWANDLORE ~ Oxxx
              ■ Yari was surprisingly good at wandlore, but she gave full credit to the professor - Elysia. She let them reflect their way t through the lore, it wasn’t all memorization. It was a fun class, and as a result she managed to remember the information easier.

          xxxWIZARD LAW ~ EExxx
              ■ Yari knew she had to know the law fairly well, how else would she succeed in a fashion business in the wizarding world? She knew the logic of the law, and was able to make a pretty confident opening statement.