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Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 06:59am

Okey dokey I'll continue it then

Hina: Why don't we go inside and watch some TV?
Shi: Okay!! (both gladly go in and sit at the couch)
Hina: Hmm, (flips through channels) Let's see, umm more Yaoi Yaoi Yaoi.....
Shi: ..... xd

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 07:14am

"... I only have yaoi channels...." Hinama laughs it off lightly. "You can read this then." Shiko gives Hinama a look. "No it's "normal." Hinama gives the magazine to Shiko.

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 07:40am

Shi: (flips through mag) Hmm what to do about your clothing..... (reads)
Hina: sweatdrop It's not that entertaining (keeps watching)
Shi: Oh no it is... (keeps reading, looks over mag and looks at TV) OMG! They're.....(blushes and hides face) Ahhh
Hina: Shiko, get used this...Besides we're (blushes) like that sometimes....

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 07:49am

Hinama edges closer to Shiko. "I... Ah! Ah! " Shiko moves away from Hinama. "Bathroom!"

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 07:52am

Shiko: (breathes hard) Ahhhh Hi-Hinama was going to..... (blushes....) Uhh (hears door knocking)
Hina: Shiko? You okay?
Shiko: Yeah! I'll be out! (washes face)

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 07:59am

"Shiko?" Hinama knocked once again. "I'll be out!" Shiko opens the door. "Are you sure your okay? You're red..." Hinama looks at Shiko worried. "Are you having a fever?" Hinama puts his hand on Shiko's forehead.

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:01am

Shi: I-I'm fine, just got nervous that's all (looks down)
Hina: all right (kisses forehead) You hungry?
Shi: Hm? Someone is coming at the door (listens)

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:04am

"Who can that be?" Hinama paces quickly to the door. "Hello" said the voice. "You're---" Hinama squints his eyes. "Who are you?"

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:06am

Voice: Is a Shikomiso in there?
Hina: (looks at Shi who is shaking his head) No, who are you?
Voice: I come from a palace, the princess wishes to see Shiko

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:09am

"Shiko... What is this about?" Hinama questions Shiko. "I don't know!" "... Who is this princess you're talking about?" Hinama questions the woman.

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:14am

Shi: Hina, I met this girl once and.....I didn't know she was of royalty, but I'm ordered to visit her at least twice a year... You see, I'm her only friend

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:19am

Hinama bluntly says, "So? That's not a REAL friend at all!""How dare you insult the princess?!" The woman spits venom at Hinama... Shiko blocks the woman. "I'm sorr, my friend is always like that. I'll go visit the princess." "I'm not leaving you alone." Hinama says. "I'm coming with you!"

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:29am

(both Shi and Hina are in a carriage)
Shi: Her and I were able to speak to each other when we were little. Since then her father didn't want us speaking to each other and so that's why our meetings were limited.
Hina: I see... (Shi looked in a distance feeling nervous)

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:33am

"Are you okay?" Hinama says," You don't looks so well... Can't you go another day?" "No! I can't!" Shiko says. "I have to go!" "What do you mean "you have to go"??

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:40am

Shi: On our first meet this year, she said she wanted to say something urgent to me when we meet a second time....And I need to see her really
Hin: You're sounding secretive, Shiko! What's this about!? Tell me the truth
Shi: I'm not supposed to tell you Hina, important Royal matters, I'm sorry

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:46am

Hinama thinks a moment, "Fine... I'll trust you this time... But I still have my doubts." As, the carriage approaches the palace gate.

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:50am

(Inside palace in front of throne where Princess sits, she raises from her chair and runs to Shi)

Prin: Shiko!! (embraces him, everyone stares) I've missed you!
Shi: It's nice to see you Katshi (smiles)
Prin: (looks at Hina) Whose this?
Shi: My ummm (blushes) close friend, he wanted to see you too
Prin: May....... You certainly look very sophistocated, are you also of royalty? (looks at Hina)

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:54am

"No, I had some noble blood in my ancestry, Your Majesty." Hinama says politely. "My family holds no title now." "I see..." Katshi says.

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 08:56am

Kat: Shiko may I speak with you privately? (Hin stares at them both)
Shi: Sure... (gets pulled off to a room, door shuts)
Kat: Shiko (touches his face) My father is allowing us to be married....

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 09:03am

Hinama sighs, "What the hell is going on?" "Sir?" "Yes?" "The Her Majesty told me to to bring you to a room for refreshments." "Okay..." Hinama follows the maid.

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 09:07am


Shi: Katshi, what!? (backs off)
Kat: Aren't you excited? I wanted us to be together!
Shi: Not like this..... (exits room)
Kat: (grabs his arm) Shiko, you better not run away, or....or
Shi: Or what?
(Alain steps into the room)
Alain: Or Hinama will be in danger (gives a smirk)

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 09:15am

"Alain! Why are you doing this?!" Hinama struggles under his grasp. "I want you! I love you so much! Her majesty has given me a chance to have you..." Alain caresses Hinama's cheek. "Don't touch him!" Shiko snarls. "Stop it with all this madness! Shiko! Don't care about me! Refuse the marriage!"

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 09:23am

Kat: Shiko if you refuse, I have the right to torture and imprison Hinama
Shi: (looks at Hina) I.......
Kat: That's right, (smirks) you must follow what I say
Shi: Katshi I don't get why team with Alain?
Kat: Since his family is in contact with mine he notified me about you and his broken arrangment with Hinama. Since then, I've been disgusted about you with a ram. (pulls in Shi) Stay with me Shiko please (gives him a kiss on the lips, Hina's blood rushes)

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 09:33am

"Shiko! Do you think you'll be happy if you go with her? Do you think I'll be happy?" Hinama says. "Alain, Silence him." Alain magically takes a piece of cloth fromtthe air and stuffs in Hinama's mouth. "Mhhh!!" "Think about it Shiko... If you marry me... Your lover wouldn't get hurt... and you'll have all this!" She gestures at her riches.

Community Member

Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 09:36am

Shi: Katshi, let Hinama go..... And take out that disgusting cloth out of his mouth!! (bares his fangs)
Kat: (gestures to Alain, who unwillingly removes it)
Hin: (coughs) Shiko go ahead....
Shi: (sighs and pulls Katshi out of the room) Can I talk with you for a sec? (looks at Alain) And don't you dare touch him!

Community Member

Tue Aug 07, 2007 @ 01:33am

Shiko and Katshi leave the room. Alain smirks, "Heh." "I like let you!" Hinama elbows him in the face. "You!"

Community Member

Tue Aug 07, 2007 @ 04:40am

Shi: Katshi I don't understand, you once said that you hate to find yourself or others in a forced marriage, now look at you. You're such a hypocrite!
Katshi: Like that matters, ever since I've been apart from you, I always wanted to be by your side. No one was a friend to me until you came and changed that-
Shi: Hm, I'm calling off this marriage arrangment
Kat: What?! How can you say that when Hinama's life will be in danger?

Community Member

Wed Aug 08, 2007 @ 09:02am

"I-" "So, you don't care abot your lover at all!" Katshi storms back into the room. "Alain! Take him to that room!"

Community Member

Wed Aug 08, 2007 @ 10:02pm

(Shiko took a swing at his scythe in front of Katshi. He took out his G blade and swung it in front of Alain, stopping him from grabbing Hinama)
Kat: Shi-
Shiko: Don't touch him....
Alain: I'm not taking orders from you!! (tries to reach for Hinama)
(Shiko's tails appeared and he ran to Hinama's side and touched his shoulder)
Shiko: Teleport now!

Community Member

Wed Aug 08, 2007 @ 11:11pm

Hinama closes his eyes and mutters an incantation under his breath. A light glows under Shiko's and Hinama's feet. In a moment, the place that stood was only air. "Damn it!" Alain curses.

"You can't stay at my house anymore." Hinama breathless from the spell. "She'll use her powers to get you... and harm everything important to us. I... have to go back to my mother and father."

Community Member

Wed Aug 08, 2007 @ 11:25pm

Shi: Don't, you know how your father will react towards you since you refused to marry Alain. Regardless your mother is there to take your side it's too risky right now. Katshi will notify her guards to look for us, but I have a safe place to go to. Follow me.... (Shi walks towards the forests out onto and open field where an old house lay)

Community Member

Wed Aug 08, 2007 @ 11:33pm

"I know that they'll target my family!" Hinama says frustrated. "I have to see them!" "No! You can't go! Katshi's guards are looking for us!" Shiko blocks Hinama's way. "Fine, but I'm still worried about them..." Hinama mutters. "You know... you have the worst luck with women ever."

Community Member

Wed Aug 08, 2007 @ 11:47pm

Shi: Well neither are you with men!! Besides, she changed somehow.... I never thought she would act like this...
(Shiko turned away feeling his anger burn in him and he quickly began walking towards the old house. Hinama looked at him with some concern.)
Hin: Shiko are you all right? You don't seem to be yourself....
Shi: I'M ALL RIGHT! Just follow me!

Community Member

Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 03:29am

"... Fine. If you say so." Hinama follows Shiko. "Where are we actually?"

Community Member

Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 05:25am

Shiko: My friend's house. He doesn't live here anymore and left this house for me. He said, if I ever need a safe place I can come here... And by the way, Katshi doesn't track other people's families... (walks up steps) So your family is safe

Community Member

Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 05:35am

"... Okay..." Hinama in a quiet tone. He still had the insecurity in his heart though. "What if she changed over the years? " He thought. "Well go in" Shiko opens the creaking dusty door.

Community Member

Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 05:44am

Shi: She's not that much of demon. Besides, she knows what it feels like to lose a family member. She lost her mom long time ago... (closes door)
Hin: I see..... (looks around) There's not that much in here
(the downstairs only contained a single table and couch. Almost each of the walls had large windows. Shiko walked upstairs and saw a single bed in the room)

Community Member

Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 06:19am

Hinama goes up the stairs and sees that there is only one bed. "You can sleep on the bed. I'll be on the sofa..." The words roll off his tongue. "Can you sleep with me?" Shiko looked nervous. Hinama wanted to be alone. Since, he was so tired from the events happening today and having his life threatened. Now he and his lover are being chased. "I want to sleep by my self tonight." He answered.

Community Member

Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 06:29am

Shi: Oh ok...... (goes upstairs to the bed and sighs) What have I done? I probably should have never visited her, then none of this would have happened. (looks out window and sees palace) I wonder how far her guards have gotten (goes back to bed and lies down) I know what to do.....I'll talk to her father....

Community Member

Thu Aug 09, 2007 @ 06:55am

"I'm still worried about my family..." Hinama thought as he changes his position on the sofa. "How did I get myself into this? My love for Shiko? No... I would've still got targeted... There's nothing for me to do but wait." Hinama closed his eyes.

Community Member

Fri Aug 10, 2007 @ 12:18am

(As Shiko turned to his side, he heard tapping on the window. He looked over and saw a Gwee Dragon. Shiko immediately opened the window and petted the dragon.)
Shi: Hey Snuffles, how's Marfle? (Snuf gave a small "Eep" wink Great, hey Snuffles, I'll need paper and pencil and I want you to give a letter to my love downstairs, understand? (Snuf gave another "Eep" and flew away. As soon as Snuf returned, Shiko began writing down his letter it read:

If you are looking for me don't bother. I'm going back to palace. If you don't find me in the morning, then you know what has happened to me. I want you to remain safe. Follow Snuffles, he'll guide you. If you want to return back to your parent's house, then do so, but follow Snuffle's guidance.
With all my heart --- Shiko

(Shiko began to walk downstairs and saw Hinama soundlessly asleep. He gave Snuf the letter and walked out the door. Snuf flew to Hinama and slept upon his chest.)

Community Member

Fri Aug 10, 2007 @ 12:34am

Light crept into the window and hit Hinama's eyes. "Mhhhnnnn..." Hinama groaned in his sleep. Something heavy pressed down on his chest. "What's this?" Hinama half asleep. He reached out his hand and touched the lump on his chest. The lump felt smooth and cold. "Eep!' said the lump. "Wha!" Hinama shot up. The lump which was actually the Gwee complained about Hinama's sudden action. "You're... Shiko's... I'm sorry... " Af if forgiving Hinama, Snuffles glided to him carrying Shiko's letter, "Eep! Eep!" It cried. "What's this? For me?" Hinama took the letter. On the front said, " To Hinama." Hinama immediately recognized this as Shiko handwriting. He ripped the letter open reading it's contents. He knew it. "Snuffles, Come." He opened the door to the dusty house and ran through the green fields.

Community Member

Fri Aug 10, 2007 @ 12:42am

(Shiko was lucky enough to get pass the gaurds surrounding the castle. He reached the hall of where the King's room was and approached the door. Shiko jumped a little, for he heard two voices speaking inside. Shiko hid behind a curtain and listened.)
voice 1: Proposterous! My little girl?
voice 2: Yes sir, she has gone mental. She's controlling the guards and has placed an unexpected marriage agreement without your permission!
vooice 1.: (a little angered) Cancel the orders and marriage! Right now!!!!! Get out! I must think of a punishment for her!
(a young man wearing armor left the room, it was a guard. The door was slightly open and Shiko came out of his hiding spot and entered the room quietly.)

Community Member

Sat Aug 11, 2007 @ 05:01am

"What is Shiko doing?" Hinama's worry increased by each step. Snuffles guided him through the forest. As he kept on walking he noticed that the scenery seemed more familar.

Community Member

Sat Aug 11, 2007 @ 11:41pm

King: Who's there!? (turns around)
Shiko: Magesty, it's I, Shiko
King: Dear boy is it true? My daughter forced you to marry?
Shiko: Yes sir and I declined. But sir is it true that you will not allow the marriage?
King: Of course, I mean who wants a scrawny fox as a son-in-law?
Shiko: sweatdrop I'm sorry about that sir.....

Community Member

Sun Aug 12, 2007 @ 12:14am

"Snuffles... Are you leading me to the right place?" Hinama getting wary. "Eep!" said the gwee.

Community Member

Sun Aug 12, 2007 @ 12:33am

Shiko: Thank you sir, I appreciate you putting a stop to this
King: Anytime Shiko, I'll speak to my daughter when I can
Shiko: Thank you. And sir, do you know a young man named Alain?
King: Oh yes, it seems I heard he went to another house, someone's house by the name of Hinama
(Without another word, Shiko ran out of the castle)

Community Member

Sun Aug 12, 2007 @ 12:50am

Hinama stepped up the step to his parents door and pressed the door bell. Ding dong. "Mother, Father, I...!" Hinama's eye's widen in shock, "Why are you here?" "What else? To make you mine." "Get out." "Too bad." he waved his hand, "I am a guest of your parents home. who knows what I'll do to them is you don't agree to reaccept the marriage." "Nggg..." Hinama stepped into the house. "Oh! Hinama came to visit you!"

Community Member

Sun Aug 12, 2007 @ 02:10am

(Heheh okay Hina, this is as far as I can go, I'll contue a bit in your side!!)

Shiko: I must go to Hinama!! (Shiko ran fast, his heart pounding and his lungs breathing hard. He was far away from the castle now, and tired. Shiko fell to the ground unconscious, his powers failing him) (for a moment a black ram appraoched the fainted fox)
Hina's Mom: Alain? What are you doing here? (her eyes narrowed)
Alain: Mrs. Hinama! So good to see you! (he approached about to kiss her hand)
Hina's mom (backs off): Don't you dare touch me. Didn't I tell you I called the wedding off?
Alain: But miss! What about your husband? I never his word yet! (smirks)

Community Member

Mon Aug 13, 2007 @ 06:48am

"... And Hinama wants to accept the proposal too!" He looked at Hinama. "Did you, Hinama?!" His mother ran towards him. "Ummmm..." Those words repeated in Hinama's head. Just for the sake of my parents for now... "Y-yes..." "What happened to you lover?" His mother looked at him wide eyed. "I broke our relationship already." he lied. I'm sorry Shiko... "Excuse me, I have to go outside for awhile." He took a step outside. "Snuffles! Come here please!! Give this to Shiko." Hinama scribbles on a piece pf paper and handed to Snuffles.

Shiko, Alain is here. He is forcing my marriage on me. Come here quickly!

Hinama <3

Snuffles replied with an eep and flew away. "What are you doing?" A voice called. It was Alain. "I-I was... thinking--" "No you aren't! From now on you'll never be out of my sight!"

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