scream scream scream No, seriously. I think he used to like Justin but then he never said anything because he was scare that people wouldn't accept him for who he was so he had to lie. AAANNNDDDDD yeaaah...I can't just be mean to him because then he would tell my mom and there I go. Bai bai home sad Soo yeah, if you were me...You'd understand!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!! Gawsh. Well, I hope things get better. I want to be 16!! SO I CAN FINALLY TELL ME MOM THAT I LOVE SOMEONE!!! Heey~! You know...I think people who say ur too young to love or too young to date are retardedly stupid because all that is not true. I think if someone loves you then u should have the right to love them back. AM I RIGHT!?!?! Yeeaaaah ^^ Oki, I gues I'll cut it here. BAI BAI WORLD!! Thanks for reading this if you did. I hope you didn't skim!! YOU BAD PERSON!! evil
Omggg, so much has happened ever since Justin asked me out. : Things have gotten a lot harder. I barely get to see him because my brother won't let! MY BRITHER IS HIS FRIEND!! And I can't tell my mom or else my mom will kill me (Yes, it;s a secret). Ugh, my brother wants me to be miserble and I do nuthing wrong to him. I think my brother i straight up GAAAYY!!!!
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