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Meh, Mez Amiga(o)'s et ma Familia
The bad thing about elementary school is that your friends graduat with u but they don't go to the same hign school as you crying . I know how some of us feel like why didn't I take the Royal West Test or no I didn't know that u were going to that high school.There u meet new friends ,are some good thing that happen at the high school u are at like you meet new friends you hang out with your old friends and Ashfary and ~sweet_marina~ if you read this u thing u know who I am talking about heart and u fall in love. I know some of u are saying ewww but one of these days you will have a girlfriend or a boyfriend heart heart

User Comments: [4]
Community Member

Sat May 19, 2007 @ 05:01pm

<<I won't will remember you.>>

You know what's funny? I didn't get half of that post. :]

<<Don't you dare remember forget me.>>

Community Member

Mon Dec 03, 2007 @ 05:09pm

wtf are you ranting about?

Community Member

Mon Dec 03, 2007 @ 05:22pm

If you'd taken the Royal West Test you'd have failed miserably.
You HANG out with us, what a big surprise.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
You talk like a girl who's been dumped.

Potential is key.
And you highly lack that.
I can see by your tardiness. :]

I feel like people are gonna stereotype me after I say this but,

You need to GET A LIFE. NO ONE is going to be MOVED, OR TOUCHED, because NO ONE, can understand what you say.

Rant is over. :]

Community Member

Mon Dec 03, 2007 @ 05:24pm

hm, that's funny it sounds like you're talking in the "oh-I'm-so-experienced-and-elderly-educated-one" but you ain't

User Comments: [4]