Gaia Avis xp Well I just decided to try this idea nothing very serious just figured I'd use the dream avi tool to create avis oh how I would probably look if I was female. I already have female alternate accounts so they are basically just for fun and more to represent myself with a female body. Yes randomish odd idea I know, I'm so weird...
I had to add a different hair for each :XP:
Ok I know thats a male hair style I don't care xp I actually dress like this though not exactly the skirt...only sometimes xp
Ok this one is sort of cuteness which is fine but my hair isn't that long, though I wouldn't mind at least trying to have my hair that long. I just decided to add the catband for more cuteness I actually like the catbands a lot.
This ones casual I like the clothes though I don't think I would really be showing my stomach openly sweatdrop
I like this kimono...again though hair is longer than I've had.
I've seen avis similar to this before, I like them although in general it would be way to revealing for me to actually wear well at least for the bottom part. So the cowl would have to be longer, I really do like that hair though. 3nodding
Glomey · Wed Jun 06, 2007 @ 01:32am · 1 Comments |