Well, earlier today, Mandy said she joined this online community site called "Facebook". Most of you know it as the site where thousands of your E-mail contacts send you invites that you turn down, time after time again, I know I sure as hell remember it like that. I decided to bite the bullet, and go for broke. I joined. My mistake. I got in there, and already I have at LEAST 100 friends requests. So I choose to accept them all, and try to make contact with one of them. Again, my mistake. A whole bunch of nothing popped up about having to join some kind of network. I sure as hell didn't want to join anything. Then one of my old friends sends me a PM. Be damned if I know how to open it. After much fighing and time wasted, I was able to open this piece of mail. I send a message back, everything is cool. Then, they asked me to go to their profile and do something or another about pets. What the hell. Now, I may seem like a bit of a noob, but in all actuality, a website that has the functionality of a brick of cheese should NOT be that hard to use. Mere moments ago, I closed the site and blocked it from my computer. I know this has nothing to do with anything, but my Digital Camera is working now. I posted a picture of myself on said Facebook. Have fun trying to find it. Well, I'm going to go read a PM I just recieved. In the simplest way I can, clicking it. This is Kieran, with his stance on facebook, signing off.
Captain Kieran · Tue Jun 19, 2007 @ 05:02am · 0 Comments |